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First Episode of the Extended Play Lounge to be released on Sunday, August 1! We'll be featuring Dream Theater Metropolis part 1 and part 2...so buckle in! This video will be exclusive to our Patrons until the YouTube channel hits 100K subscribers. Then, we'll release it publicly for the rest of #TheDailyDoug community to enjoy. (Normally, we'd wait 60 days for exclusive content to be released publicly.)   

Can't wait to listen to this!   



Extended Play Lounge & 100K Subscriber Announcement

First Episode of the Extended Play Lounge to be released on Sunday, August 1! We'll be featuring Dream Theater Metropolis part 1 and part 2...so buckle in! This video will be exclusive to our Patrons until the YouTube channel hits 100K subscribers. Then, we'll release it publicly for the rest of #TheDailyDoug community to enjoy. (Normally, we'd wait 60 days for exclusive content to be released publicly.) Can't wait to listen to this! Doug


Shawn Hegarty

Can't wait to listen to you listening to this


Oh man, this is exactly what I joined for. The way you were able to tear apart the composition and lyrics for Octavarium on your first listen was incredible and amazing to watch. You (and we) are in for a real treat with Metropolis!

Edward Malthouse

Sounds great! Looking forward to it. Another band that would be great to have in the mix is Transatlantic, with Mike Portnoy, Neil Morse, Pete Trawalas (Marillion) and Ronnie Stolt (Flower Kings). There is a lot of great stuff for a Friday or Patreon video, most of which is 20-30 minutes long. There are great live versions too. I suggest something from, Duel with the Devil, Stranger in your soul, Into the blue, Kaleidoscope, or All of the above. Then there's the Whirlwind and The Absolute Universe, two full-CD concept albums.

Russ West

Speaking of which... Doug may be ready to experience Marillion! Misplaced Childhood? Grendel??


Thanks - looking forward to it!


Cant wait!


Excellent choice! I'm sure Doug will be able to discern and appreciate the intricacies of the compositions, the leitmotifs, the recirring melodies and chord progressions.... Looking forward to it!

Garance A Drosehn

I'm perfectly fine with you doing an early release of a Patreon video if it's for some special event, and certainly hitting 100K is a worthy event. In my opinion you've been doing a fine job with posting extra videos for the Patreon subscribers, and I know there is huge interest from everyone in having you discuss "Metropolis". I will say that when you do start releasing Patreon videos for everyone to watch, that you release them on a different day than whatever other videos you release, even if it's just by a day or two. Just a little nicer to spread them out a bit, IMO.


HOLY F*** the two metropolis! That's not calling for a nice drink. That's calling for half a bottle!

Ben Allen

I've been pulling for some Spock's Beard and Transatlantic for a while now. Doug's doing Spock's Beard tomorrow, so hopefully we'll get to some Transatlantic in the future. Personally, I think that their first album is basically perfect, and then the second was only ok to decent. And admittedly, after that I started to find Morse's religious bent to be a bit distracting and kind of fell off listening to projects where he's involved. So I'm not really familiar with The Whirlwind or The Absolute Universe.

Ben Allen

Yeah, the reality is that we're hopefully all Patrons because we like what Doug is doing and want to help him continue to do more of it, and the reality is that releasing content to YouTube helps him make money from the YouTube channel. So it'll be nice to have some exclusive time with some of these videos first, but you can't (or shouldn't) really begrudge Doug eventually posting them to the YouTube channel to monetize them there.

Liam Barnewall

Good deal! I saw them perform the album in full 2 years ago, one of it not the most incredible concert experiences of my life, it’s such a masterpiece of a record. I’m glad you’re including Metropolis Pt 1 by the way, IMO the best DT song under 10 minutes lol


Fantastic cant wait.....


Oh yeah, really fantastic news! I hope Doug noticed that the second part, unlike the first, is a full album though, haha. ;-)

Anthony Taylor

Between, Dream Theater, Opeth and King Crimson, you've really upped your game, Doug! Thanks for creating such a great place to hang out!

Aidan McDonald

I'm so excited for this! I recommend the studio version, and also finding a synopsis to go along with the lyrics to give you a better understanding of the grand story Dream Theater has crafted. I hope you love this album even a percentage as much as I do, Doug!

Glenn Wo

Thank you for this Doug! Make sure you have amble of fluids available ;)


Can't wait for it! I know alot of dream theater fans like me really hope reactors would stick with Dream Theater a little more. React to several songs to get a feel for the depth with the eventual hope for someone to eventually react to Scenes from a Memory! Your grasp of what is going on with their music on a first listen is really inspiring, and I can't think of a better reactor/teacher to give this album the look it deserves! I really do hope you enjoy it!


wow i can remeber buying Images and words in the early 90's and was surprised hearing the new singer...and this is 30 years ago..oh shit i'm old


There’s going to be so much to take in from Scenes From A Memory. Really looking forward to it.

Gokhan Oner

OMG!! Finally happening. Still remember the first time I listened the whole album, 20+ years ago, and still listening. Metropolis Part 2 is a modern opera. Incredible 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Yes, top 5 album of all time. Seen them perform it live 2 years ago as well in St Petersburg.


Needed to create a patreon account to sub to you, I can't wait for Metropolis 2!

Familia Gallegos Iturriaga

I've been watching your videos for a while, and this made me subscribe here. Great news, and I hope you like it...


I had to sub for this. So excited

Dave Klein

I can’t wait!!! Love your insights and comments.

John Nguyen

Especially excited for you to compare the recurring musical themes from part I that show up in part II. By the time Metropolis P2 came out, I had been listening to Metropolis P1 for years and still missed some of the Easter eggs they dropped in. Such a brilliant opus of music all around!

Dag Blix

Thats a good sell. I moved this comment from youtube to here. Remember that these songs are more about the "musical" esq storyline than being prog for progs sake. There is alot of reoccurring themes and mood matching to the storyline. Its a landmark album pt2 for DT, but it must be viewed with the right expectations. Basically there was a murder on echo hill and the souls reemerged in the first person storyteller in the album. Or something in that realm. Note that they played the entire album throughout an entire tour, the live DVD is more impressive than the album. There are ALOT of musical influences in this one. Notably from Queen, but Im sure others can list a host of Note that this is the first full album with Julliard trained wizard Jordan Rudess, also on LTE, which levelled up DT considerably. Its peak DT, before Mike got tired of it all. Theyd just come off of the label gutted flop that was Falling into infinity. DT gave the label an ultimatum, free reigns or forget it. And it was a home run. Although I think falling into infinity is a beautiful album, like metallicas Load, that its a detour doesnt make it bad. Looking forward to your reaction, follow the story.

Glenn Wo

This is gonna become a new definition of epicness! I still remember to this day when I first heard Dream Theater and their album Images and Words. I borrowed a cassette tape from my older brother. On one side it was the album "Master of the Rings" by the german band Helloween - this was the purpose of me borrowing this cassette. When I inserted the tape and started to listen to it, it did not sound anything like helloween - I had accidentally inserted it with the wrong side. What was I listening to? Dream Theater? Never heard of, but I thought let's continue. When I had finished the song "take the time" I was already a huge fan! My interest in the band grew and pretty much peaked at the release of "Scenes from a memory" - the pinnacle of prog metal imo. Today, Dream Theater are along with Iron Maiden and Rush my, by far, favorite bands!

prog mushroom

We're waiting 😉😉


I’ve got about 4 hours of editing and rendering ahead this afternoon. Look for it later in the afternoon (in the US)

prog mushroom

So it will be for tomorrow for me 😉👍




Oh boy


Anxiously awaiting =)


Me too


I never thought I'd sign up to patreon but this left me with no choice.