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I would like very much to be able to draw faster, or at the very least, be able to produce concepts without getting all OCD hung up on fiddly details and neatness. It's a frustrating compulsion I wish to break, as I'd like my art to FLOW better, feel more fluid, to be looser and freer! Certainly easier said than done. Still, I decided a good practice I'd like to try this week is to get back to basics and draw at least one slutty Ceran sketch a day. Like really get back to some real classic lewd, less fussing on getting perfect clean neat lines and just MAKE stuff. SAUCY STUFF. Pretend we're back on early tumblr where I was tentatively sketching embiggening elf chub for the first time on paint tool sai.
We'll say Ceran has had a devil of a stressful season and could use some good old fashioned catharcism!  He's exhausted, and frankly, just wants to get rawed out for a few days, give or take, as the crow flies. 




I just love seeing more Ceran in any capacity, he just hits all the right buttons.


So thrilled to hear this, it defo reminds me to be comfortable with drawing him as my go-to, and people aren't sick of him lol.


The correct amount of slutty Ceran artworks is "more, always."