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Had this passing thought I needed to get out regarding the different types of oceanic diving suits Isklen elves often employ!

Depending on their profession, and what is to be expected regarding its involved skill and risk, the Isklen have a variety of designs they commission or dutifully craft themselves. The jellyfish suit, tight but spongy, provides the benefit of shifting hues for camouflage or volatile vibrancy to dissuade predators, as well as the nifty addition of effective lighting and the defense of translucent tendrils to keep curious creatures at a distance. However, while it is a beautiful choice for its pressure regulation and sleek design, it lacks the heartier defense often associated with bulkier divesuits. While it can protect against basic shark bites, it is of little use against monster-class water beasts. Some divers may choose to bond their suit with the coral organisms in the local reef, allowing them to guide the creatures into a more protective structure in a symbiotic relationship. However, because this a lengthy process to achieve effectively, most will use sturdier suits for monster hunting and save these for local scavenging / foraging in safer waters.

We also have here another one of the example elves I drew for the Isklen elf reference sheet that I am sloooowly but SURELY whittling away at. Making up your own race / species is just so dang fun, there's just SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES!!! While the Isklen do have a fairly consistent "look" of big burly beast elves of big teeth and claw, their complexion and additional features may vary from island to island in the archipelago. I'm still working out what sea creature to make that dude's "main tat." Most of the elves will usually have some sort of animal tat they're attached to. Some may go small and modest like a brittle star curling its limbs around a wrist, while others may use their bodies as murals to their patron soul-beast and splash the better part of themselves with intricate animated ink.

Oh, and then we have Todd. I've started doing little Todd sketches as warm-ups as a means to get better at drawing him faster. 👍

This isn't related to his post, but just wanted to give a heads-up that I will also be posting a slime-guy adoptable for sale at $130 tomorrow! Not doing it right now since it is late at night and I won't be awake much longer, but if this is of interest to you keep an eye out!




Oh sick! That suit design is amazing!

Sibre Collard

New guy's a major hottie. ❤️ Hope to see more of him!