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It was a lot of work but I DID it! The most ambitious I ever dared to go in terms of character count and detail! Thank you for supporting me and being a part of this, thank you for being along for the ride and giving feedback that is far more helpful than you may realize!

I felt like this year's hot springs piece should have a heavy roster because now more than ever I have been appreciating friendships and connections. I never realized how much I needed people, how much people can actually come through for you and be there when it counts. Because of this, I wanted to exemplify the essence of comfy togetherness! I am so grateful for all of you. I can not express that enough. I am thankful and appreciative to everyone who has ever shown me support, shown me kindness, especially during what is undoubtedly some of the worst times in a long time. It is this sense of community, this sense of enjoyment in art and sexuality and fiction, that keeps me going every day. Thank you for making art with me.

While I hope to share more proper about all these characters eventually, for now, here is a quick name + bullet point for each of these fine dudes (just in case you need a refresher or would like to be introduced)!

Ceran Lynch | Isklen Elf
Retired Monster Hunter, now an apartment-managing handyman that co-Street Leads with Paulie. Laid-back extrovert, frequently in and out of relationships. If you think he had a past as a now "deceased" famous singer no you don't.

Paulie Cifaretto | Greater Demon
"Businessman" that specializes in "Waste Management." Co-Street Leads with Ceran but far less passionate about it, mostly doing it to hold territory for his crew. Confidently speaks about topics he knows nothing about and can not be corrected.

Nathan Ashhad | Jinn
Unbound jinn (or "genie"), spent many a millennia serving many a master, and now he seeks to serve only himself. Very vain, never turns down an opportunity to be lavished & indulged.

Brian Vouvali | Minotaur
Son of a famous labyrinth architecture, but kinda just wants to be an archeologist. Bookish, despite his beefy build. He's typically rather shy, so being brave and joining this outing is a big step for him!

Meatloaf | Demon
Was not invited, or at the very least, did not say he was going to come. Him and Rigatoni were asked to accompany Paulie in this area to also handle a "job," but he can't resist scoring himself a quick dip while they're there. It's fine, he shouted "HEADS UP!" like a whole second before he jumped!

Lirrus | Reefborn (Mer)
Alcoholic artist looking for the first fling of the new year. Vacations are uncommon for him due to his workhorse nature, so this is a welcome reprieve. He appreciates the decadence of such settings, and most certainly likes to watch.

Indiana Crowley | Appalachian Orc
Ex-country-boy now rowdy sorta-city-boy, works at a number of amusement attractions at the pier. A very sexually enthusiastic pansexual, he's just really happy to be here.

Brent | Human
A well-meaning "social worker for the supernatural," Brent moved to the city to experience a more diverse community of people to learn from and learn about. But he's mostly just learning who's circumcised and who ain't.

Derek | Human
Absolutely convinced of his witch ancestry, he's training to be a warlock. However trying to tame fickle incomprehensible magic doesn't make the bills, so he's primarily a developer. Big into occult and conspiracy, he's pretty certain Malo is actually an ancient sea god bound to a man's form.

Malo / Malosi | Samoan Selkie
Massage therapist that also runs a beach bar during the tourist season. Enjoys a good talk, just not about himself. Rumor has it he's a powerful top. He goes up to the mountains every year to meditate anyway, so why not go with new friends?

Ferris Zevon | Half Dusk Elf / Half Human
Owner of a magictech company that specializes in researching & discovering alternate dimensions. After his first silver streaks of hair cropped up, he began to stress about what he wanted out of his life. He's been spending more time with this culture of companions to understand a world outside of his work.

I'm kinda tempted to do some "bonus" hot spring sketches, like maybe some quickie piece of some of the Palms Crossing ladies, and/or other not-visually-present characters like Todd or Paulie's crew. If you don't see one of the OC-friends in a piece, you can usually safely assume they're probably still there but just off-frame! I've always been keen on the friend-circle of Palms Crossing street just having this ritualistic happy vacation habit to celebrate the act of rejuvenating one's self for a fresh new year. I know I mentioned some lore bits in the last WIP post, but it is fun for me to share whenever the chances arise! I like drawing characters being happy, hanging out, enjoying life! It's just so warming.

ANYWAY, thank you for being patient and sticking with me through this. This was a big project for me but now that it's done, I can return to regular scheduled posting! I have some fun ideas in mind, so sit tight for a few days as I roll some further goodies that you all deserve. HAPPY NEW YEAR, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET THIS ONE BE A GOOD ONE FOR A CHANGE!




They're so cute!!!! A buffet of beef and boys


Just absolutely stunning Mos, the details and the skill involved in this piece are truly magical, you're an absolutely amazing artist!! Also not me immediately 👀👀👀 up the big boy in the back there


You are basically like a bard, in the sense that you say real good encouragement words and it recovers my hit points. 💖 I ALSO REALLY LOVE HOW RECEPTIVE TO MALO PEOPLE ARE!!! That's so great considering I've been feeling very inspired with him as of late!!!


I adore this, from every rocky surface to glistening pec/moob. Lovely work!


I'M SO LATE TO COMMENTING ON THIS BUT IT'S SO GOOD. Really great work as always, I love when you draw your characters together like this, and it's especially nice to see shy boy Brian make the party too :D


THANKYOU!!! It's nice to get to make these more intimate scenes! And absolutely hell yeah, I wanted to make sure he snuck onto the scene this year. 👍