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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
Elliott -|- Stardew Valley

This was something I had sizzling on the skillet for a hot minute, but couldn't decide on what pose / vibe I wanted to go with with this fine gent. Ended up doing both, clearly. Elliott might honestly be my favorite romancable character in Stardew Valley, though I do naturally have a soft spot for foppish older-gent wistful romantics. Whenever I play games like this, I always RP as some kind of character, and for SV? Ceran was naturally good for it. It was a toss up between Elliott and Sebastian for his main affair. I think Elliott is the sort of person Ceran needs, but Sebastian seemed like he needed the love more? Like Elliott was a beautiful man about to be a famous writer, he would surely find someone, but Sebastian was a sad pseudo-goth feeling stifled and isolated all at once in this country town. Needed a farm-daddy to love him out of the basement.

ANYWAY!!! Point is, Elliott would look good as a spoiled house-husband, having his needs all fulfilled so he can write to his contentment....and affectionate softening.




Why did I not see this until now!? This is so hot! Great job on this, Mos!

Johnny Gayzmonic

I believe the term is "voluptuous."