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Working on this has been a sort of therapy.
If you missed it posted on my socials, we regrettably suffered a loss last week in the form of Cat, our legendary feline friend of 15 years. I don't wish to be a bummer here, instead, I did what I could to say words regarding her over here, for those that are interested. Thank you for being understanding and patient as I take some time to sort myself. I know I can be a lot, but I will do what I can to get back to work!


In a desire to just try and MAKE art, avoid thoughts, not think too hard, I just started drawing all my male characters that live on Palms Crossing street in a row to compare their shapes / sizes. It will not include Paulie's demon staff, or members of Layne Raine's band. I'm definitely still missing a few of the mains, I just ran out of room and the file size is already pretty big, lol. Missing Brian the minotaur and Avii the water genasi / elemental for sure! At some point I would like to add the ladies/other gender characters as well, or give them their own, but baby-steps!

2nd image: A few years back I began the annual tradition of drawing my characters enjoying a new years hot spring for the holidays / fresh year! I just like characters enjoying one another in a relaxing peaceful time, welcoming on the continuing of life together. It's also a good way to see not only just how my style changed, but the characters themselves as well as I adjusted and developed them with passionate world building over the many months. Fleshing out these little fiction beings and their little world have been truly keeping me together. I haven't mapped out the layout of the onsen itself yet, still need to fish for inspo, but it was nice just sketching out the character's various shapes and get a feel for the vibes I want to present. It is interesting how I'm working in reverse order, when last year I did the hot spring first and sketched the dudes on top! Sometimes you just have to try something different.



Allan Meyer

Meatloaf you're not supposed to go in the water for 30 minutes after eati... oh never mind.


Excellent on both counts! Also hello naked Brian and Indiana 👀


Can't forget!!! This will probably also be the first time I get to draw Brian properly in the buff! It's a weirdly fun experience getting to draw certain characters so fully for the first time. ❤️