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I wanted to serve up some extras for the folks that supported the recent WG drive, and thought these were the right amount of fetishistically risque to fly on main! You know, juuuuust that right LICK of growth/gain in a few key places to maintain even the most discerning side-eye lingering for a second longer than intended.

Ceran is no stranger to experimenting with all manner of lurid enchantments and prurient potions! He's always had a flair for the sexually vivacious, and it's hard to resist the temptation of dirty back alley wizards and their salaciously spellbinding sex stores! It's just that sometimes, like a poorly measured edible, Ceran does not weigh the effectiveness of such elixirs as he goes about his everyday life. Sure those double plump gazaongas are a hoot right now stretching out a sports bra like they mad at it, but there's probably no stretchpants string enough in his vicinity that'll be able to handle the Nathan-level power-thighs that are about to THICKEN themselves into existence!

Haaad to include that bonus thigh-fucking because someone floated the suggestion and I was like 👀 inspired and needed to ride that mojo while it lasted! A treat for patreon. ☺️

Anywho, thank you everyone who's supported me and et cetera and et cetera! I'm sure you folks tire of hearing me babble on about how grateful I am, but it is what it is, lol. My health has been a rollercoaster this month, and some days are more challenging than others, but I'm happy I am able to be here and make art with you guys. 💖




The coffee strokes back with a vengeance! Ceran just can't get enough of it~


Those are some very nice proportions going on there that I like 🥰👍


THANKYOU I'm very glad!!! I always get worried I'm letting my degen-gene FLOOR it too hard, but it's so lovely to hear people are so into it, hahaha!