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A continuation of the previous post, as Ceran clocked another milestone and has found some newfound difficulties with such a cumbersome size! He traded in his busted up jeans for some comfier sweatpants, but oh how long will they last? Even with all their XXXXXL elasticity?? Mayhaps when my schedule is a little more sorted / caught up, I can write a mini fic to pair with this!

Alas, I fear that this may be the last pieces for the WG Drive! You can usually get a feel for the lifespan of these sorts of things, and while it is a shame we were unable to reach the goal, I am deeply ENDLESSLY grateful towards every single person who gave! I will always appreciate every bit of help, and I always hope I am more than worth it for all of you. As for the remaining money that is needed, I will find other means to make do somehow. Thank you for participating all the same.💖

Is this the biggest Ceran has ever gotten so far? MAYBE, I AM UNSURE! I suppose it all depends on your perspective! Because of this, and my fellow sizeplay fans, I threw in a version with a 'lil dude. Or is he regular sized and Ceran miscalculated the effect of the mass-amassing power-potions he chugged back? Makes for a lotta hungry elf....

Lastly, with the drive technically done for now, expect me to return to my regularly schedule patreon requests and updates! Thank you for sticking with me!




Aw, poor boy. His sweats are going to be a thing of the past after the winter. Sonny's planning for a BIG Thanksgiving.


Aaaaaah I love him so goddamn much just wanna cover him in hickeys and bite marks 😩 And I'm sorry you didn't reach your goal Mos 🥺 I was really hoping you'd be able to, are you guys gonna be alright even without it?


I just love the innate kitty-affection reaction of "GOTTA BITE, MUST DO A CHOMP, VERY BITEABLE REAL ESTATE-" Haha well it is hard to answer anything super confidently, but I think we can definitely make it through November at least! God willing one of these companies actually gets back to my dude so we can get SOMETHING. BIG FINGERS CROSSED! That said, I'm gonna catch up on some patreon requests and then start hashing out some YCH ideas for a quick buck!