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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
LT. Surge -|- Pokemon

The glory of a lot of early pokemon character designs is they were simple but recognizable....and that I don't have to go hunting for butt-ton of references at thirty different angles to get the details right! WONDERFUL! Military-dad-hunk electric-based gym leader, what's not to enjoy? Also STUPIDLY tall, from what I remember. I wonder what he's been going so in on that's made him swell out to Snorlax size. What cuisine does Vermilion City specialize in? His American influence gives him a classic burger & fries vibe, but probably ain't turning down a packet of Lava cookies or two.




I'm loving the size of Surge here! He's so deliciously soft~! 💕 I also like how his nips make an indent through his tank~! Since Vermillion is a port town famous for its sunsets, I can imagine it getting a lot of traction and commerce! Maybe there's a restaurant like the one in Olivine that can cater to beefy sailors! (Or a beefy gym leader~) Great job on this, Mos!


U beat me to the punch with that Title! 😂 He's really living up to his name's sake there


God I know joke a actually sat and thought of a similar narrative, hahaha! Because you know how I be, who am I to make my kink and not have wonderfully pointless convoluted scene framework to give it context~? Like, there's GOTTA be one of those hole-in-a-wall fishermen bars with all the nets and oars on the walls, probably serves toe most bomb-ass greasy fried seafood and fry baskets. 👌