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This took forever to finish for absolutely no reason holy cow.
I was hoping to post it yesterday? But I simply could not get it done fast enough, and with my back aching and the acknowledgement that this didn't deserve me rushing and doing a slap-assed job? I slept on it.

I was trying to think of ideal Halloween costumes for Ceran that I didn't already cover last year (I reuploaded the 2022 here at higher resolution since I didn't have patreon at the time) that were still saucy. I was trying to think of hot video game characters with peak sluttitude, and my mind went back to my coming-of-age summers playing Soul Caliber on the dreamcast. Ivy Valentine (and Taki's jumpsuit for that matter) were an AWAKENING for me, for sure. I was always surprised that like...Idk, don't know how Ivy wore that real crotch grabber of a costume and didn't slip out a labia or two. No way both of Ceran's bocce balls are staying in there through the whole night. He'll be saving this one for the adult parties, and maybe not wear it outside. In daylight. Okay maybe once, for a little bit.




Never knew I wanted this, but here we are 😍🥰🤤