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Been a hot minute since I fashioned out an adoptable, but times are tough and I must release one of my brain-babes into the world! Got hit with a dentist bill out of no where (apparently insurance didn't cover it all and they only sent it out now, so that's just super cool and neat and I'm totally not grumpy as all fuck at all). I'd like to offer some YCHs in the near future, but commissions can be rather nebulous in the time involved, where at least with adoptables the product is fully finish and it's just a hand off! I don't like to spend commissioner money until a product is done, so these are a safe bet for a quick payment.

ANYWAY, time for the important part:

Edit: He has been sold, thank you so much it really helps!!!
Patreon Price: $130
Public Price: $150
(No pressure if it doesn't get sold on here, I'll move it to public selling if that is the case, but I do knock the price down for patrons as a show of appreciation!)

What you get:
- The full resolution image
- The two body poses here as separation images
- The two body poses with transparent png backgrounds (for whatever editing purposes you may have!)
- If you'd like some kind of ownership name or internet handle added onto these, you may request them and I will add it tastefully!

If you need me to resize them for you to a more upload friendly size for your usage, please feel free to request it on purchase! Once it's in your ownership you may do as you please with it, edit it, etc.
Payment is via a paypal invoice, so have the email you use there ready! First come first serve, if you're interested we can party in DMs on patreon about it.

For more elaboration TOS details, you may visit my relevant site page HERE!
