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If you're not interested in my life status, or heartfelt thank yous, feel free to skip the bottom part / next half! I just like to keep folks in the loop as I slip and stumble my way to survival. I have a lot of incoming posts, it's just a lot of my pieces are in messy WIP stages and hardly fit for posting yet. BUT SOON! And like, ACTUALLY soon, not "SOON™." My MS had a bad flare-up this week and it's been a rough go of it, but I keep going regardless! The picture above may seem strange, but it was a bit of "therapy art" as I was telling some fine friends a story from my childhood about a stained glass rainbow flower that stood out to me during a very pivotal time. 🌈


Sorry it’s been a bit since my last “personal update!” I’m often torn between the conflicting feelings of wanting to communicate transparency about my wellness and status, but also don’t want it to come off as whining or pity-fishing, as that is never my intent. It doesn’t help that a lot of things that transpire with me are….well, quite a bummer, lol. I’m a happy person at more core, I like being positive and upbeat, and prefer to just put positive energy out in the world because fuck knows we got plenty of unhelpful negative.

Edibles have helped astoundingly with my MS and variety of other issues, however I don’t like to grow a dependence on them or get “addicted” to them. I know, fewer things sound more pathetic than a cannabis addiction lmfao, but you can get withdrawal symptoms if you go too hard on them too often. Thankfully breaking it isn’t too rough, you just get a day or two of the emotional inconveniences of irritability or wonky serotonin levels. However, as a man so constantly awash with anxiety that’s sort of the standard for me!

With all that aside, I just want to thank you all for being here. No really, I mean it! Patreon has helped its fair share, being able to afford groceries and cat medicine for a little while, specially as we still struggle to find insurance-granting employment to keep our household afloat. I’m sure a fair amount of people subbing here aren’t interested in the TL;DR bleeding heart out-pours, and that’s understandable! You wanted to peep some early art tits, and I get that! But I still appreciate you. I appreciate that you were willing to chuck me a few bucks, no matter for how brief or sporadic, to keep me making art. I just wish I could produce art faster!

So yeah, short version: we’re still trying to secure employment, not homeless yet but all the help makes a difference and I’ll never stop being grateful!!! I’m just hoping I am worth it, and making you all genuinely happy with my art.

- Moss / Nubs / Dev



Johnny Gayzmonic

I don't think the speed of the art is ever an issue. We're just happy to support you. Life happens to all of us, and sometimes it happens more to some of us than others.


I'm probably a little twitchy because when I first started out a certain someone unsubbed and left really unkind feedback that I wasn't "active enough." Given that I was in a reeeeally bad state with the lay off and our situation, it really decimated me since I was trying so damn hard to build up stuff, lol. I know that person was out of line, but it still hurt.

Johnny Gayzmonic

That's their problem, not yours. Do they want art or do they want content? I vote for art.


As always, take all the time and space you need, folks are happy to hear from you whenever you're able. Sending well-wishes that something good turns up for you two soon <3