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Ferris found Ceran to be the ideal specimen for him and his excruciatingly selective tastes. Larger than him, maturer in years, armed with an appetite, and willing to be submissive in a way that could dance beautifully with Ferris's own decisive method of domination. He'd never forget the day he discovered that the midaged beef-elf that shared his gym had also shared his flare for feederism. The twinkle in his eye was a zealous one as he pried the Isklen for elaboration, asking how he liked to go about it, how NOT go about it, what drew him to the lifestyle.

The first time they made their fooling-around official, Ceran's one request was during the first go around? Let's do it the old fashion way. No potions or spells, enchanted tools or medications— just classic gain through gluttony and indolence! To see his own influence worn on someone in such a manner was a guilty pleasure Ferris could not deny himself, so naturally they fell into their affair with uncanny ease.

Despite the humidity the summer thunderstorms brought down upon the city, a good classic box fan lodged in a window sill was all one needed to circulate the refreshing cool air of the outside in exchange for the sweltering fuck-fog two oversexed men can routinely conjure up. The ever-present drone of the fan paired against the CLINK and PLONK of the raucous rainfall would forever cement as the soundtrack to their entanglement as Ferris would love-drunkenly explore the added pounds of his partner. It was surreal to feel soft but solid flab mold beneath his hands in a region he sharply remembered as having once been a chiseled tower of abs. The reality of that made his breath quicken, his nostrils flaring with the scent of thunderstorm as the fan gusted in fresh rainy air. Wordlessly Ferris found his hand sinking down into the mound of pliable belly fat, testing its depth through a rather whimsical exploratory fashion. Plush. Warm. Shapely but with the right amount give, motion traveling through it oh so right with every buck, squeeze, and slap. Ferris's teeth dragged against the damp skin of his lower lip as he admired the jiggle and DROP of Ceran's over-fed middle, lovingly willing it into greater heft, grander WIDTH. The way the mounds of his tits and the swell of his middle sloshed and wobbled with every colliding roll of Ferris's hips had the man utterly mesmerized.

He knew if he wasn't careful he could become obsessed.


Sorry if none of this reads well, I've been on the ill side of things again this past week so I'm currently pretty extremely high to manage it! Modus is my favorite brand of edibles. ANYWAY Ferris been having a good time expanding Ceran this summer, perhaps TOO good a time. Hard to stop at just a few pounds.



Johnny Gayzmonic

The bigger he is, the hornier he gets, and the hornier he gets, the bigger he wants be...


My Surfer boy would like to ask if they're looking for a third? Maybe someone to offer up cakes for Ceran to snack on mid coitus?


He's at the boardwalk if they're interested. Though they'd better hurry while Ceran still fits through the door.


Boy where do I even beging, writing: immaculate, art: stupendous, subject matter: God I wish that was me 🥵🥵🥵🥵


This truly means so very much to me!!! I've always been rather self conscious when it comes to the writing aspects, but support like this makes me feel comfortable enough to tackle some saucy drabbles to pin with these things. It's a very fulfilling experiment to flirt with! :DD

Sibre Collard

Gah, so hot! I think a key part of the WG fantasy for me is the progression. It's not enough that he be big, he must be *bigger* than before. So your little drabble, paired with the stunning art (love the hand grab!) does a lot to enhance the scene. Love it!


GOD YES, HIGH FIVE ON THAT FRONT! I'm the same way where it's less about the results usually and more about the /journey./ That development, that progression, that deliciously vulgar and taboo knowledge that it will /progress/. All the scene dressing and details are what spice it up for me! I always appreciate when that enjoyment is shared!!!