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God I love Sidon, one of my all time favorite characters, so getting to progress through this commission was a labor of love. GOTTA A LOT OF VERSIONS THIS ONE! Ones only you gems on patreon are getting treated to! There's an additional cock alt I tossed in because I was curious at drawing a more trad shark-humanoid dick (that's a fun sentence) but honestly it feels like there's no shortage of cool ways you can tackle it. I really went full whore on that bisexual lighting tho'. HAPPY PRIDE!

The absolute champion that commissioned this and the other two big time color pieces! Just a fantastic dude, thank you for supporting this whack-ass artist! 💖




God the way that you draw titties always amazes me. I remember in 2017 seeing your art and being absolutely mesmerized by it and that effect hasn't worn off to this day


THANK YOU DEEPLY, that's so nice!!! I'm always so impressed when people remember my work from back then because I didn't really think anyone was actually looking, hahaha! I was just sorta' sitting there making art for myself and then shlapping it to the wall, but it's just so dang nice that others found enjoyment in it!

Johnny Gayzmonic

The zora have come a long way since I played Zelda on the NES. And I for one am here for it. He's carrying enough between his legs for everybody.