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I haven't drawn Layne Raine in a hot minute, so I thought it'd be refreshing for my mojo to circle back! A sort of "art therapy," I suppose. For those who don't know, the TL;DR version is Layne Raine is Ceran's alter ego / performance persona. The whole plot can basically be distilled into Ceran having once secretly been this mega-famous powerhouse singer oh so many moons ago, whom of which was believed to have died in a plane accident back in the 80s. The truth is that being Layne Raine ended up developing into a deeply stressful and mentally torturous affair, to be so hauntingly famous was taking its toll, and Ceran? Well, Ceran wanted out.

Also for reasons beyond me, I was seized by the urge to draw a colorful puppet version of him.

In an unrelated note, I apologize for the slowness of posts! It's purely that all the stuff I currently have are in WIP stages that will take took long to finish, leaving that ugly dry spell of no content. So I'm trying to get better at taking breaks to do smaller stuff to present! Show what's going on, show some growth, etc.! I'm trying to do better at posting stuff for regular tiers, remembering I CAN still share WIPs and little things, and not EVERYTHING has to be a big bombastic polished piece.
I also love doing this super rad thing where I tell myself "just half ass it, do simple, sloppy, minimalist, you don't need to go hard we don't have that kind of time-" and proceed to paint a whole ass bust that's only going to ever be briefly seen in the reflection of a broken mirror. Why must I be this way. 




Poor Ceran *Hugs him* I hope he's doing better now. I love the vibrant colors you did for the puppet version of Layne! Also be sure to take well rested breaks whenever you finish your WIPs! Don't worry too much about the pace of your posts. What mayyers is that you're always proud of the finished piece


I only ever want the best for Ceran <3 <3 Also no need to apologize, knowing enough artists has made it quite clear that we all do things at our own paces, we'll all get there in the end <3


A handsome boy. He deserves kisses and love. Also, you're fine! Everyone works at their own pace. Do what is best for you!

Johnny Gayzmonic

I love the more colorful Layne. It really has a kind of late-night Cartoon Network feel to it.


Thank you, I know I need to be told that sometimes to silence the overwhelming anxiety for a bit, lmao. It has been a really rough time as of late, which sadly is not ideal for art production. But I try regardless!!! I think Ceran got better when he escaped Layne for a bit, but he certainly has a complicated and convoluted relationship with both this alternate version of himself and the time spent in these years. That churning inner conflict between nostalgia and crippling stress! It's such a wonderfully detailed mess that I hope to properly portray in my art one day. 😌❤️


Thank you sincerely, I really appreciate that! ; ; I still want to make sure I don't slack or fall behind, I really want supporters to know how much I care about them and want to be worthy of their support. I know I have to acknowledge my limitations, and even trees to bear fruit all year round, but still. Wanna do you all right!