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I just really wanted to underscore my sincere appreciation towards everyone who has supported me here, no matter for how much or how brief, I'm glad you were considerate enough to throw me anything for my work during these very rough times.

It's been a tough go of it. I wanted to wait until we got more confirmed news about our stability, but unfortunately that just hasn't happened yet. The uneasy liminality continues but we still continue to try. My health hasn't been stunning but I'm trying not to think about it too much since I know stress just exasperates it all! I've been working every day seeking to do my best, and sometimes I am very exhausted and want to give up, but I will keep going forward because it is all I can do. I can't throw in the towel because strangers were kind enough to support me and want to see me succeed, and I owe it to them as the least I can do.

So thank you, for both your patience and your support!
Sometimes I get sick, and I get a slow, and the cog fog makes the memory not so good sometimes, but everyone being nice to me despite such is a true and major comfort.

I know the world is pretty deeply in the shitter, bit more than usual, and it's made life a struggle for everyone. I understand it can be harder to support the luxury of the arts during such times, but I appreciate that you gave me the time of day anyway. Whatever happens in the future, just know that you did have an impact on my life. ❤️




Thank YOU for doing everything you do, and for just being a genuinely pleasant person to be around 🥰 Dont ever feel like you need to force yourself for us, we're just happy to be here, and if we get the occasionally Ceran titty to drool over? All the better 😉


Thank you, I can not go on enough how much it earnestly means to me! I can be a bit of an anxious creature so it's nice to be told genuine honest reassurance. 😊


Hey no problem at all! I totally understand the anxiety bit, sometimes we just need someone to tell us, hey, it'll be ok, for us to be able to see it for ourselves


Deadass, I just am so happy to see ur art and I love ur taste, and if you post something, I KNOW it’ll be an absolute delight … Here 2 support u 🫶🏼

Johnny Gayzmonic

I know all too well how it can go when you're dealing with health issues. You've always got my support.


And thank you for all the hard work you put into your art! I understand that it might not be easy, especially when health issues get in the way. I'll do my best to continue to support you so won't need to worry too much!


No sweat, life's tough and throws a ton of curved balls here and there, so I'm most happy to be of any help whenever I can If anything kudos to you for upholding yourself like this in a moment of hardship, that's sheer strenght my dude ♥ As for your art you already know how much I admire you for it, and how much it inspires me to do better with my own to this day, keep doing it the way you do 'cause it's awesome and none can do it like you do


Hello if I were the anon there would definitely be a little "PRBBRBTTBRBRTT" where I'm blowing raspberries on those TIDDIES Your work here has been AMAZING and your output is INSANE. Seriously. You have the most updates across any of my other patreon subscriptions, sometimes COMBINED. I hope things look up for you and yours SOON because y'all deserve some dang stability STAT.


I hope things get better in the future for you! I know you had it rough but know your supporters will always be there to lend a hand should the need arise! ❤❤❤


Weh, this comment made me so emotional, I feel so silly hahaha!!! Truly, folks like you are why I feel motivation to keep making art and sharing it with others.


Thank you, earnestly!!! Without a doubt it does help me power through some days, hahaha! Truly it means so ding dang much that people can find such enjoyment from my silly doodles and lewd paintings, all I want is to create a loop of such fantastic energy.


I'll throw my proverbial hat in the ring here. I remember stumbling across commissions of yours from a long while back. A little after was when you first started to share your love of truly hefty dudes (which, same, who can blame you?). When I saw the opportunity to support your art and look at the bara tiddy or belly to smother my eyes with, how could I not? However, if there's one thing that's been made clear, especially over the past couple of years, it's that things suck. Hard. All the more reason to support content that helps break through the bleakness a little bit. Even a little goes a long way, after all. I think it says something about your work ethic that even when your health and situation has taken a downturn, you still provide an abundance of content for people to enjoy. Take the time you need. I think I speak for all of us when I say we'll enjoy your content no matter when it arrives.


Oh man, I just want to like, genuinely and unironically print comments like this out and pin them to some inspo board forever I get all over-thinky hard on myself!!! Thank you, I can't underscore enough how much these words and reminders do genuinely help me and keep me grounded with all that is going on. I hope I continue to make stuff that brings you at least even a little joy! ; ; ❤️