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Since the other thing I'm working on is taking longer to finish than anticipated, I thought fuck it, let me lean into some momentary whimsy and polish up this little diddy inspired off a gainer vid I peeped on youtube. Who me, getting distracted? Wild, crazy, so unheard of, never happens, fake news! ANYWAY, I'm on a big inspo kick revolving around the situational circumstance of Ceran's recent hedonism binges being noticed by locals, including such flavorful fetishistic seasonings of binge eating, belching, stuffing, over-stretched-sweats, and whatever else you can think of that would probably get you asked to leave the neighborhood Sizzler. While it is commonplace for Isklen elves to put on a little extra padding during the chillier winter months, Ceran's softness during these seasons certainly hangs heftier than most— and gee, wonder why that is! Regardless, sometimes, he's a little hard pressed to return to the tightly wound lifestyle of calorie counting, regular gym visits, and responsible meal prep. All too often he considers the fantasy of simply letting go. To see what happens. To feel what it's like. To witness the reactions of his peers.

Included the non-body-hair alts for those that prefer it! c:




Now see, Mr. Lynch, you've packed it on here, and here, and especially here in this huge, soft gut of yours.


Make him even fatter, please!!