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Hello lovely and loyal Patrons!!! The last batch of FAQ questions you all dropped turned into some of my favorite videos i've made in YEARS (like the weird pinch harmonic video, for example), so lets get some more ideas going!!! What question do you have that you'd like to see answered soon? I'll be filming a bunch this week, and i wanna knock out as many as i can, so please leave some goodness in the comments! 

Hope y'all are doing well!



Suggestion: a video on visualization would be a hit.


Maybe a bit late to the party, but would LOVE some tips/tricks on using a guitar slide, and the spanking hot sounds that it makes, as demonstrated by (for example) All Them Witches! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VteuWD_dIdk&t=1100s Workhorse: starts around 18:25 https://youtu.be/Duoo4X5IwSQ?t=73 Charles William: starts around 1:10