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I wanted to have a theme for the month of October!! I know I want to have The Ring on there set up with a special guest because I'm too horrified to watch it myself, but I need a few more awesome films that fall in line with the season! :)

So let me know what you have in mind down below! Also I've seen Halloween BUT is the Rob Zombie version any good?



The Conjuring is a great scary flick!


Also Trick R Treat is quickly becoming a cult classic!


John Carpenter's "The Thing" and A Quiet Place! 😊

Gary Giaimo

Black Christmas (1974) is pretty fantastic and I would anticipate a pretty great reaction from you. Also The Shining and its sequel Doctor Sleep would make fun reactions!


The Thing for sure! Plus the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Please.

Anakin Starkiller

Well alot of reactors have done The Thing but I haven't seen you take a shot at it. Not very many reactors get into Italian horror. Some of them have the coolest titles for horror The Bird with The Crystal Plumage , Don't Torture a Duckling, The Cat O Nine Tails , Inferno , The New York Ripper. If I had to say any type of horror that will have you glued to the screen it's definitely Italian horror.


You can try "HOST", is think is on Netflix, its duration is less than an hour. "The Conjuring" is also good. "The Ring" maybe


I personally do not like the Rob Zombie version. I could list a whole bunch of reasons but I don't want to spoil anything if that's what ends up being chosen. Halloween (2018) is a much better movie. It continues the story of the first film from 1978 and does the characters much more justice.


The Conjuring is right up there with The Ring, so I would recommend that. Sinister is also a favorite of mine. I also agree with all of those recommending The Thing.


There are some obvious ones that you haven't done like The Shining, The Thing, Scream, etc. But if you want some suggestions that are a bit less obvious I'd recommend House (1977), Re-Animator (1985), and Society (1989) All three are horror movies with some comedic elements sprinkled in. I really adore all three of them.


The original Poltergeist. Always been one of my favorite horror movies


Omg you have to do SAW!!! You could do a sequel every year!


"They" (2002) is really good. Also "VHS" (2012) and "VHS 2" (2013) were some of the best horror I've seen in a long time.

T.J. Gengler

MISERY is a fantastic thriller/horror film with just enough humor to take the edge off the intensely claustrophobic dread. It’s all the more terrifying because it’s very grounded in reality. You might just know someone like Annie Wilkes. BTW, there will be flinching.


Shaun of the Dead or Silence of the Lambs!


As others have mentioned, The Thing and The Conjuring are both very popular horrors and should do well over Halloween. Less conventional films for the season are 'Black Swan' (2010) and 'Mother' (2017), both made by the guy who gave us 'Requiem for a Dream', which you've already reacted to.


I'd steer clear of the Rob zombie Halloween personally. Terrible remake . A good Halloween double bill for you, Fright night (original 80's version) Creepshow.


- The Thing (1982) - The Fly (1986) - American Werewolf in London (1981) If you want to watch "The Ring" please watch the original japanese film "Ring" from 1998 :D


I agree with everyone else that The Conjuring and Insidious are great choices. If you’re looking for movies other reactors haven’t gotten to yet, here’s a few that come to mind: The Fly (1986): Tied with The Thing as one of the best sci-fi horror movies of the 80s. A true masterpiece. [REC] (2007): If you’re up for venturing into foreign films, I cannot recommend this movie highly enough. It is a damn near perfect horror rollercoaster. Evil Dead II (1987): An undisputed classic. Knowledge of the first movie isn’t necessary, since the first fifteen minutes are basically a remake of the first film. Sleepy Hollow (1999): Not the scariest movie on here, but it’s a quintessential Halloween movie for me. This is Tim Burton truly unleashed, and it’s glorious.


Hey Riley! The Evil Dead {original] is essential viewing and it will freak you out! An American Werewolf in London is another. The Reanimator is Great! Plus John Carpenters In the mouth of Madness is Awesome too!


I fully agree with Alvin's suggestions of "the fly" and "[rec]" and Robert's "in the mouth of Madness". I would add to that: "the descent" (2005). I love that movie for the Incredible suspense by minimal means and simplicity

David Noone

The Descent (2005) and The Shining (1980). Can't go wrong


Evil Dead II is a banger! Bruce Campbell does physical comedy in that movie Buster Keaton would be proud of. It's a great mix of horror and comedy. The Fly is pretty classic. Very compelling story around the creepy. Sleepy Hollow is a fun watch too.




OH; AND: Original Evil Dead Trilogy is a MUST.


Even though it's like your LEAST viewed video, you should just do Midsommar again. JK. The original Wicker Man was a huge part of the inspiration for both Midsommar and Hot Fuzz. Christopher Lee liked the villain character so much, he did the movie for free. Lot's of great suggestions in the comments already. I like The Descent, The Shining, The Fly, Evil Dead II, The Thing, The O.G. Texas Chainsaw Massacre... The original Last House on the Left is a messed up movie. Mel Brooks did Young Frankenstein which is not really scary, but it is funny as hell and fits the season.


THE EVIL DEAD 1 & 2!!!! These films are not only really cool and creepy instead of being cheep jump scares, they are also quite funny! They are also really cool and experimental film-making wise, Here is Quentin Tarantino talking about the film --> https://youtu.be/KW6DvQkL14Q


Jordan Peele saw Society before he made Get Out and no one can convince me otherwise.


If nobody has suggested this already, "The Night of the Hunter". :-) I think you'd love it. Not gory; just scary.


I think Riley already saw "The Fly"? :-/ The Cronenberg "Fly"?


They’re both pretty short—I think both movies combined would still be around the same length as Aliens or Midsommar.

Michael Buhl

Rosemary's Baby (1968), Return of the Living Dead (1985, punk zombies), Black Sheep (2006, zombie sheep in New Zealand), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978 remake, the original from 1956 is okay).

Michael Buhl

I almost forgot, Eraserhead!


I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The Hills Have Eyes. The Exorcist. Friday 13th


For a horror-comedy, I would recommend Tucker & Dale vs. Evil


Speaking of New Zealand, "Dead Alive" is a really odd horror/comedy that would make for a good reaction.


I'd love to see Arachnophobia. It's not really horror, more of a creepy-crawly film, but I think it would be a good intro to the start of Halloween season.


Cabin in the woods. Poltergeist

Raixor (Pron., Razor)

"The Human Centipede" (2009) "The Wizard of Gore" (2007 Remake) "Teeth" (2007) Maybe just watch this one yourself. But the "No mean no" and the "Candlelight/Bet" scenes are priceless.


The Greasy Strangler


As someone who is a little bit more than a casual horror movie buff, here are my top horror movies of all time: 5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original) - a classic and a must see. 4. The Human Centipede 3 - terrible movie, but Dieter Laser's performance is mind blowingly bizarre and absurd. You should watch the first 2 movies to make it this far though. 3. Wolf Creek - Filmed in the Australian outback, this is one of the best slasher films of all time in my book. 2. The Descent - if you have any hint of claustrophobia, this movie will haunt you forever like it has me. The most underrated masterpiece of horror cinema. 1. Braindead (aka Dead Alive) - Evil Dead is a great movie, but it has nothing on this movie in the gore comedy subgenre. Directed by none other than Peter Jackson, this film has never been topped in 30 years in over the top blood and gore. I wish more reactors would watch it. You can watch the full version free on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_FMUq50oPY). Cheers!


I almost forgot how crazy Dead Alive was, but there are a few scenes in that movie that become a part of your psyche forever. Lol




The Frighteners (1996): is a pretty fun 'scary' film to check out. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988): also a fun scary film, What We Do In The Shadows (2014): a mockumentary about vampires in New Zealand from Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement. Ghost Stories (2017): For a 'real' scary film this one genuinely scared me.

Nick of Time

Basically, Rob Zombie's "Halloween" films are great-- if you like Rob Zombie films. If you've seen any of his movies and enjoyed them, I definitely recommend watching his take on the Halloween mythology. But if you've seen any of his films and really not liked them, you probably won't like this one either. That being said, if you haven't seen any Rob Zombie films yet, I'd recommend watching his first couple movies (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects) before watching his Halloween films. Also, on a personal but important note, I recommend watching the theatrical cut of Rob Zombie's Halloween and the director's cut of his Halloween 2.