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Hi! Here's the 1st of my Indiana Jones journey! :) 


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Man, Raiders is one of my favorite movies of all time, but Marion is such a missed opportunity. Spielberg, Lucas and Kasdan went out of their way to give her one of the best intros for a female lead in an adventure film maybe ever—imbuing her with a wealth of character, spark and agency—only to stuff her in a dress for most of the movie and have her repeatedly scream for Indy to rescue her. Her first scene is basically one long, “I don’t need your help.” And then she spends the rest of the movie yelling, “Help!” The fact that she’s often touted as a strong female character and a role model is a testament to the strength of her introduction and runs in stark contrast to basically everything they do with the character after her first scene. And that’s not even taking into account their initial plan for Marion and Indy’s backstory where Indy slept with her when he was 25 and she was 12. I mean, it was the late seventies and Spielberg and Lucas had probably just seen Taxi Driver and Pretty Baby, but still…yikes. It puts a whole new spin on her line, “I was a child, I was in love! It was wrong and you knew it!”


I got to see this one in the theatre when I was a kid. Not just any theatre, but an old historic theatre that closed down forever not long after this came out. The whole experience seemed so surreal, that it feels like part of someone else's life. Some movies just have a whole other level of greatness on the big screen. Next time, sit waaaaaay closer to the screen. They said it was fine in Liar, Liar...


I just watched the Last King of Scotland again. That movie is cray cray! It's like the Cable Guy meets Midsommar. It has been YEARS since I last saw it, and the first time Forest Whitaker says "Neekohlaas", I froze right up like "Oh god! What now!?" and my name isn 't even Nicholas!


Also, someone needs to songify Riley yelling "Fuck that monkey! Nazi monkey!" I am going to be saying that all week, and no one is going to understand... lol


Saw this at the drive-in as a small kid. Great f'in film! I love when God burns the Nazi crate.


I love this movie, but it doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? LIke why was there a horse in the middle of the desert? And what were those snakes doing in a sealed secret room? Were there just thosands of generations of snakes born there? What did they eat? So many questions lol

Anakin Starkiller

Well Indy had to have a bad ass theme song

Anakin Starkiller

The Last Crusade will probably be your favorite sequel. Some like it even better than this one.

Anakin Starkiller

Actually Harrison did do the scene where he was dragged behind the truck. He didn't use the car for practice but he used a horse and he worse only a square pad on his chest. By the time they got to the stunt it worked out perfectly. This is who Harrison Ford is and why stunt professionals respect him. He always respects the stunt men and women on set.

Anakin Starkiller

I think personally Indy and Marion were lucky . I think the Ark was capable of unleashing far more power than was shown here . I think if you opened it up in a city there wouldn't be anything left. If it was opened in someplace like California I think it would be a wasteland . At least that's what they were saying in the movie. That it destroyed and made a wasteland of entire city.

Anakin Starkiller

Lol the guy screaming like a girl at the end

Anakin Starkiller

Indy probably researched the Ark very well. It's possible the research may have told him how to survive it 🤔


It's pretty cool how the references from this film just bled into pop culture and that many people, like Riley, know them from other media.