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Okay so you can't go wrong with Arnold XD please enjoy! I've never seen Alien vs Predator buuuuut I think I know who would win...maybe lol 


Predator Full Reaction

Please enjoy! :)



Been too long since I saw this to watch without a copy, Arnie is good in this, and dat supporting cast doe! This one will be fun. If you ever do my all time favorite Arnold movie, Conan the Barbarian, instead of using a copy of the film, I could perform it from memory scene by scene, line for line, one man show style. I have the costumes in my storage unit... Ya know what? Probably a better idea to just watch the actual movie... On a completely unrrelated note, have you considered entering the Swayzeverse? Some obvious choices there would be Roadhouse (my favorite.), Dirty Dancing (my Mom's favorite.), the original Red Dawn still holds up, Ghost was ok (a lot of people like that one.)


I would recommend definitely checking out the special edition of the second alien movie called Aliens before watching Alien vs Predator.


One of my most favourite movies EVER made period. And a freaking tight Ass script. Some spoiler free light shedding: The Predator species is in fact very good at mimicry (which helps greatly during a mission, as evidenced in this movie), hence how he uses Billy's (yes Billy's) laugh to jeer at Dutch at the end. In regards to Predator 2; the film does answer SOME of your questions; why the jungle, what was the Predator's purpose for being there in '87, etc... All while being an equally fun ride, AND pretty much the best sequel we've gotten in the franchise so far... Fairly worth it as well.


Ever have that thing where your brain doesn't completely work before your morning coffee? I forgot to mention Point Break as an essential part of the Swayzeverse! I feel like it was somewhat already covered by your content. You have had both stars of it in movies already featured on your channel, AND the movie itself was recommended by another movie. I'm not takin the ass whoopin for this one...

Todd Bell

I loved this movie as a kid. Back when I wasn't allowed to see this movie because it was too violent. It's got the big men, big guns, big bad, big bow with arrows that have big booms. But, the machismo has gotten a bit boring since my days of playing war in the woods with my friends. Predator 2 aged a lot better, for me.


The guy with the awful jokes is actually Shane Black, who was an absolute megastar screenwriter in the ‘80s and early ‘90s. He wrote the original Lethal Weapon—also produced by Joel Silver—and was basically given a role in Predator because Silver thought he could trick him into rewriting the film on the fly between takes. Black saw right through it, of course, and didn’t change a word of dialogue. Black went on to write and direct Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, which arguably brought Robert Downey Jr.’s career back from the dead and almost single-handedly earned him the role of Iron Man. (Which is probably why RDJ brought him in to write and direct Iron Man 3.)


I always saw the over-the-top machismo in the first half of the movie as an essential element to the story. It introduces everyone as grotesque alpha male caricatures, gives them a big “rah-rah look how badass we are” action sequence to stroke their ego, and then proceeds to emasculate and annihilate all of them.


Its been years since I watched this! I think you said it at the end, it's a lot of fun