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Alrighty, another round of polls! I'm still editing Green Mile (long movie takes longer for editing of course) and then will hop onto the Usual Suspects! :)

So I have a few fun ones here I think you all will enjoy! Definitely need to lighten the mood!



All great movies but personally, I cannot recommend "American Psycho", "Reservoir Dogs" and "Airplane!" enough! Best of luck to any one of those films!


Airplane! or Robin Hood: MiT. After the Green Mile, you really need something silly to react to. Can't wait for The Usual Suspects, that's another great one with a sweet ending! Who is Keyser Söze??? 😆

Eric Denney

I'm good with any of those except MiT. Great movies, but all very different. If you want something fun after Green Mile, Airplane is your movie, but I put my vote on American Psycho.


Gotta start with Airplane before you move onto so many other comedies. Its just a classic that set the stage for spoofs and comedies in general. And your the first patreon Ive become a member of....so I cant wait to see a full reaction to this brilliant movie.


Mel Brooks is definitely worth checking out even if you don't do a reaction video. My personal favorites are History of the World Pt. 1, Young Frankenstein, and of course Blazing Saddles. My vote has to go to Airplane on this poll. I like gladiator movies...