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So The Green Mile absolutely wrecked me thank you very much! I'm going to be releasing the full reaction over the weekend on here before the youtube release, the youtube vid will drop sometime in the middle of next week! Be warned that I am a blubbering mess for the second half of the movie so if a drunk girl's tears make you uncomfortable it's your fault XD

I'm also going to drop a new poll too in which I have some good picks I think you guys will like! I don't think I can manage another sad movie for a long time so these will be more upbeat/ thriller picks :)

Again thank you so much for your support! I really jumped into this whole youtube reaction club without much preparation but the response, recognition, and feedback has been incredible! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU



I always appreciate your authentic reactions; whether you're surprised, laughing, crying, or scared. Your reactions to Pulp Fiction were gold!


Idiocracy is a movie that will make you laugh.... if you have not seen it... i recomend

Eric Denney

Warned you to bring some Kleenex 😉. Looking forward to watching it tonight!


I can recommend a couple of Mel Brooks classics if you're looking for something more lighthearted and fun. Blazing Saddles and Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Some movie comedy at its best. But please remember Riley, it's ok to cry and show emotion. Most of the best movies out there are loved because of the "emotional" weight that they carry and you cry because you care about the characters and their stories. It doesn't make you weak...it shows that you have a big heart. That's why we love you and your reactions. So keep being true to yourself, you are doing an amazing job!


it's going to be a bit later than tonight, it's still compressing! Only 8 hours to go! XD but I want it up by Saturday night!


yes! def need light hearted and fun! I'm probably going to get wrecked in the youtube comments for being a crying mess for green mile, trust me there's alot of tears! But thank you so much, that means alot! :)

Jay Kawala

Have you seen the movie "Snatch" with Brad Pitt? If not, I think you'd enjoy it.


As the credits rolled, our heroine collapsed to the desk. Tears streamed down her face. Her head was pounding to the rhythm of footsteps echoing down the green mile. A discarded bottle of pink Moscato fell almost silently to the carpeted floor of the void. Suddenly, her head shot up. The lights started to flicker. A swarm of bugs began to fly out of Riley's mouth and slowly dissolve into thin air. She coughed a couple times and began editing...


Very Noir name, Dick Darlington; like a Sin City character or something


It's actually from an episode of one of my favorite British sitcoms. Coupling.