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Just so you guys know, we filmed a few pilots a while back and then decided to move them down for pride month, so now they're going up hence the old background and even old hair

Don't know why we were so certain this was a magical show 😂😂

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HjiUcFFOvEzKSMSI4dq0sJONBQEZzNJG/view



Teyon Alexander

So he played Odin in the play Loki made about his grand sacrifice. Lol. I was happy you saw that, as I always point that out to folks. Everyone focuses on Matt Damon but Mr. Jurassic Park is right there! I would like to say I’d love to watch your version of Pesky Blinders! Werewolves, vampires, magic? Yes please! One of the main cast members passed during filming of season 6 I think. Pretty sad. Oh! And it was Both you and Enya who he made mention of your British accent a few reactions back. You had said you weren’t sure why you were doing an accent and Enya was like , yeah I’m not sure either - or something like that. It was fun though.