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Fury midkey annoying lol, he gettin told by everyone. Love him tho!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13pOZmZO-12LfofPa8oB06kL5rso_6yKC/view



Teyon Alexander

✈️🛩️ an airplane instead of a sun? Ok. I think they’re all dead. Unless they’re not. In which case I always thought they were alive. Lol (but they’re probably all dead) This episode and the previous episode had people really pulling Fury down to earth and reminding him that while he may be Nick Fury, he’s also just another cog in the greater machine. A lot of hard pills he had to swallow these two episodes yet, I feel like he’ll learn nothing from it.

KaSean Ballou

Gravik doesn't care what anyone thinks. I know Nick Fury is coming off selfish but he has yet to virbalize what the blip did to him. We won't truly know what Fury was thinking when he came back after the blip until he's ready to talk about. Did Gravik regenerating his hand remind anyone else of Ironman 3?