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These episodes are so short! This is kinda more like a sitcom! (But we love sitcoms so it's all good)


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mPV6L_eQ0mdKG8-yKC-ZcbVu00w95kbr/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwb5ojibgecndvb/She%20Hulk%20102%20Uncut.mp4



Theo Harris

Great Reaction! They described the series as being a sit-com. Marvel trying all different types of genre. Im hearing a musical is next. I believe the Wong/Abomination fight happen right after (maybe the same week) as the final scene in this show. We will probably find out from Wong in this series.🚀

Teyon Alexander

🚀🛸First: thank you for the shout out, most appreciated you ladies are great! Yea it’s Teyon like Teyonah Pariss but without the ah so you got it right. :) I definitely think the abomination thing from Shang-Chi happened before the events of She-Hulk. I would think maybe a month or so before just based on how easy going he was with Wong post battle. That seems kind of inline with his demeanor here. Great reaction as always and thanks again for mentioning me here, it made my day .

Baron Imhoof

Just to add context to the CGI issue, her origin story was originally supposed to be told at the end of the series, in episode 8, but the studio decided to redo the story during post production and put the origin in the premier. So, suddenly the CGI and the VFX people were rushing to get the new episode 1 ready.

Theo Harris

I believe Teyon is right on the timing, now that I think about it. The post credit scene in Shang Chi showed that Bruce still had the inhibitor device and now he is exclusively smart Hulk. So yeah the Abomination fight with Wong happened before Jen became She-Hulk. Also, I think that Jen is being manipulated by the Abomination and whoever is controlling him (could be a Thunderbolts set up)

Enya and Ishara

yeah, that's part of the problem lol. They gotta give these people more time to do their jobs. It sucks how they're treated and then we get stuff like this. But Disney doesn't care...cause money. -E

Courtney Lovett

"Two things can be true at once." THANK YOU ENYA! It drives me crazy how binary and polarizing people can be when discussing art. Things can be nuanced; there can be multiple perspectives and different takes - and that's okay! People want to turn art into this "you're right, you're wrong" logical war when art is not meant to exist in that way.

Enya and Ishara

It's also a pet peeve of mine. Art is never usually meant to only have one particular meaning, but what also made me upset about this was that Jen was literally saying why she deals with her anger better than Bruce, and people are shutting down her experience and her truth. Like she was the one saying she deals with her emotions because she has to as a woman. You can't really tell a character they're wrong for how they feel. -E

KaSean Ballou

Ladies I always enjoy your reactions. You always say things that everybody is thinking.

Enya and Ishara

Of course! I think we shouted you out in a future teen wolf episode too so when I say the same thing about not being sure about your name that's why 😅 I think I got it now! That makes sense though, it probably is around that time - I