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Seeing as the prequel just dropped, this seems like perfect timing!


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyDno1NFWk_qFKB6kUvrj7sfCTLkIrSc/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yp03faqqq87ga98/GOT%20101%20Uncut.mp4



Courtney Lovett

I know this show didn't end on a strong note, but I still believe seasons 1-4 are some of the best television I've seen. The final season didn't ruin the show for me, I still go back and rewatch this show with glee.

Enya and Ishara

I get that, I feel like it wouldn't have been as popular and well liked as it was if it wasn't really good. So do you mean you watch it with glee as in with joy, or with glee like you also rewatch the show? Just curious haha - I

Conner Simpkins

I watched GoT until Season 4 then I got bored and didn't bother finishing it.

Enya and Ishara

Oh yeah I rewatch and enjoy it too, I just don't watch season 8. It was such a good show I just wish they wouldn't have rushed the last season. It really fell flat on it's face ngl -E

Enya and Ishara

I feel that. I think It helped that I was binging seven seasons. I tend to finish shows if I can just watch it all straight through without having to wait a week. So if I was watching it like everyone else from the beginning I probably would've stopped too. -E

KaSean Ballou

I started watching GOT when it was in season 4. I loved every minute of it until the last season. I remember working at Best Buy when the box set for the first season came out and how excited people were about.

Baron Imhoof

With apologies for the length… In terms of its inclusivity, it does do a decent job of showing the story arc of the women becoming powerful in a patriarchal society, there are more brown people to come who are integral to the plot, and Peter Dinklage is the best-written little person I’ve ever seen on television. But when the show runners abandoned reason for madness in season 8, they blew all of that out the window. Also, and this may be my old-ass eyes failing me, but I wonder if they lightened Jason Momoa somewhat, at least in these first episodes. I don’t even know if that is technically possible, but he seems much lighter-skinned than in real life. Again, that may be just my bad eyesight. This is the show that introduced me to reaction videos, which is what introduced my wife and I to you two and, since we both find you to be a delight to watch, we would very much enjoy rewatching it with you.

Jay Darnell

I’d be super hype to see y’all continue this if you guys haven’t gotten around to it on your own. 😄