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Hey guys, you know we're watching the X Men series with you and so far it's been a lot of fun! We filmed the reaction to X Men: The Last Stand and that'll be up soon, but what we want to know is if you want us to watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

We know it's not the most loved movie, we both watched it but a long time ago and we're perfectly fine to watch it again if you want. Or, we can just skip it and go right to X Men First Class. Up to you guys, just make sure you vote below, you have until Thursday August, 25!

(Lol did you know Disney+ didn't even bother to put it on their platform lmao it's on Hulu though, and Amazon for $0.00 😂😂😂)



I think the only thing I liked about this movie was the bond between Sabertooth and Wolverine

De’Quincy T.

This movie is t great, but the tie-in game is definitely the best Wolverine game ever to date