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This was really good! Looking forward to the rest!


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12anj67V4qv1xcMokqxXUZ9dtI36SHR3v/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3cmjwrr6e0rosy/She%20Hulk%20101%20Uncut.mp4

Wish List Link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/S94AXUVUQYAQ

Reminder, it's just if you want to get something, there's no pressure or expectation. And if you don't have a lot to give, there's lil doodats for under 10 or 5 dollasss



Kenneth Munson

Don't forget to post your wishlist

Baron Imhoof

There's no reaction, no Enya and Ishara, just the episode.

Enya and Ishara

oh it seems that we accidentally uploaded the wrong version to Drive. Sorry about that. We'll fix it right away and let you know when the post is edited.

Enya and Ishara

Sorry! It seems the drive file got a little switched. We'll fix that right away and let you know when it's been uploaded!


I just wanna see y’all jamming to Philly’s own, EVE, during the closing credits. lol


I haven’t watched, but I knew y’all would represent for the crib. 😂

Teyon Alexander

Love the reaction! I think the show is going to be a lot of fun. As for Jen’s look: finally something I actually am an expert on! Prepare for geeky Bergman: So you’re right, the brighter green and decreased skin detail makes her stand out in a n almost cartoonish way. This is exasperated by shots where her thigh to knee to calf ratio is displayed in bent positions. The knee appears far too thin for the amount of muscle in both her thigh and calf. All of that adds to her cartoony feel. Bruce is older and male. Sadly in art the idea that a woman can’t have a lot of lines and pores visible while a guy can contributes to why he seems more real and she seems less so. As for hair, having fought with making curly hair at work today, I can tell you it’s a pain in the ass to generate in 3D and keep it consistent shot for shot. It’s far easier to work with slightly curled straight hair, as you can get away with more and predict better how it will dynamically animate. I kind of understand the idea that being the younger of the two , her skin would be less sun damaged and thus brighter but they really should have just kept the green consistent between the hills if they were going to decrease the skin detail. In the comics she gets a blood transfusion from Bruce. I believe Reed Richard’s performs the service but i forget. Regardless, the mcu treating Bruce’s blood as radioactive makes the idea of him donating blood to her intentionally kind of a non starter. This drop into her system method makes more sense and is consistent with previous hulk films. Ok end geek out mode. I would be an Ok hulk I think. I usually talk myself out of being angry, trying to see where the other person is coming from. If I do get angry it’s at myself and never last more than a few minutes. Thanks for the reaction and stay awesome!

Teyon Alexander

Holy crap snacks I wrote a novel in the comments! Sorry about that! I just rarely get to talk about what I do for work.


Now that I’ve watched to the end…🧑🏾‍🎤 She-Hulk is one of my favorite characters from the comics. She’s funny, smart, confident, outspoken and I love how she breaks the fourth wall. This is gonna be a fun show, and I’m all in on anything fun. I’m looking forward to taking this 9 episode journey with you both. I will definitely check out the wish list. I hope there are items for Honey on there. 🐶 lol

Enya and Ishara

See we knew it! lmao. Thanks for explaining it to us! We love when you guys share your knowledge. I bet the rendering of the hair is hard, I guess just would've been nice if they just got someone with straighter hair then haha, but it's no big deal. Your explanations that further support us saying she looks weird is very validating lmao. Still looks better than that first trailer though. 😬. Thanks for enjoying! -E

Enya and Ishara

She is really funny so far. I just get scared with the funny characters because...Tony was a funny character and then they ripped my heart out 😭 same with Peter Quill and Peter Parker. It's inevitable.... Should I put things for honey?? I didn't even think about that lmao -E

KaSean Ballou

I love how this show started off so far. I love the fourth wall breaks.

Katie Kat

Tatiana is an amazing actress love her in everything she never disappoints. Also I haven't watched you guys since Youtube season Carly, I like your hair cut its super cute.