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Hi guys, I know I have been a little absent for the last two weeks. I have been working on my goodbye message to coco. I'll be sharing a folder with all the images that will compose the slideshow I'm working on for those interested. It's not what I expected due to my complete lack of editing skills, but it's my own message to her, and I'm happy with some drawings, so I'll post it without any regrets the day it comes out. More than 60 images will be sent to everyone to compensate for the lack of content during this time. There won't be lewds this time. Sorry for that. After this, we'll go back to the usual lewds and erotic content. Thanks for the patience, guys.

Remember to join discord if you want to receive a copy of the last doujin, it has been a while since I uploaded it: https://discord.gg/pMNeknyC

Copy and paste in the join a server section if it doesn't work directly




Its cool nisego!! Coco's leaving wears heavy on our hearts but i think what you're doing for the going away present is amazing and exactly what coco needs! Best wishes!!


Thanks dad


You know, art that has nothing but passion and meaning into it is waaaaay worth more than stuff that makes others happy. I’m sure this will be one of your master pieces 👌🏽


Aww 😢❤ its so sad to see her go. Thanks for immortilizing this moment for us. Coco will be missed so much but the memories we made along the way will always be with us.


It's wonderful!