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Many of you should be aware, and many of you don't, but the vtuber Kiryu Coco will graduate from Hololive, the company she's part of. This had a significant impact on me, I know some of you may not understand, but I feel like I'm losing a significant part of me and wasn't aware of its importance and how dependent was on her content until now. For that reason, I'll be focusing my content on social media on her. In part as homage, in part to help me reach a conclusion about all this. Hope you guys can understand

The doujin work on android n18 will still continue, but there's a chance that ends being delayed for mid-July. I'll be sharing any progress here, though. At the end of this month, I'll share all the content made in a drive folder. This time it won't be any NSFW. Sorry for that.

I promise to return with the usual content after this period passes.

Love you all, 





This hits the hardest but we gotta be strong for coco 😔


Hey mate, it’s got an effect on all of us, I feel ya. Take your time! However, don’t forget that we gotta cherish the time we got left. Kaichou said it herself: “No o7 allowed I’m still here MF”


I completely understand and support this, coco has had a huge impact and this has been a hard time. Looking forward to what you’re putting together and wishing the brightest future for our kaichou ❤️🐉


Take your time and process as you need to, man. These things affect us all differently.

Yuu Yi

I understand, I wish our Kaichou the best in the future and health but it hurts. She wants us to be happy and support each other too. Kiryu Kai forever! We will endure and fly high like the dragon we all love. Take all the time you need <3


Not even a part of the fandom or following personally, but I am really disgusted in how she was censured, censored, and shut down by her own group. Just a real terrible fate for one of the OGs of the VTuber game. Hope she makes a rise back up on the independent scene, and that this wakes up some of the other Hololive girls to get out of the trap that is the Japanese industry.


Understandable. Go make her proud.