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Just a mini devlog!

First off, unfortunately, I've been on a streak of getting sick lately (It's been months without some nonsense catching me), so I probably will end up doing the release early next month or the very end of this month (31st). Just in case I don't release it within the month here's the link that will have the files once its updated : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/arz39e9kdtqrc3d/AAB4zofzRWAIib6wBI8diSJda?dl=0 (right now it's empty, but save it, it will have it soon enough)

I've been working on backgrounds/character sprites and artwork in general, as well as using the feedback to fix up some problems here and there from the old build. I'm also planning to implement more sound (I've been messing around with an unreleased image set in a separate project to test the sounds; I might share it alongside the set!).

Just to preview some of the work done, I'm sharing a character sprite and the background image for The Hind (the restaurant Howl's BF, Ross, works at.).

The first is a weasel. You won't see him nude all that often so I thought now would be the opportune moment. He's Howl's new landlord, and you'll be seeing him way more than you probably want.

The second is the background for the outside of The Hind, a fancy eatery situated in Helward and the home/workplace to Ross. I've had quite a bit of fun figuring out how to stylize and do up the backgrounds. Honestly, I expect them to change pretty heavily through the development of the VN. Backgrounds have never been my forte, but thanks to this project, I've been given the chance to work on them.

As for the plot/writing; I'll be keeping that a bit under wraps! The only thing I'll say is to consider the events that have occurred so far as a "prologue" of sorts. With the next update, it will finally get to the main location of the VN, Helward.

Other than that, thank you for your patience and happy holidays to everybody! Expect an image set before the end of the month, and keep up with the link earlier for VN update! Thanks for all your feedback!




what's the time frame for how often helward is updated, is it like monthly release or every other? (just curious, i mean no offense, i'm a new subscriber and didn't see anything posted)


No offense taken! Right now I'm thinking every other month. If I do monthly my entire time for art is consumed by it and it gets hard for me to other stuff, and at the moment I have people who are here for more than Helward so I can't just focus on it alone! There should be an update next month; maybe not the longest one but still one.


Thanks, I hate him already. <3


Hehe. He definitely has a few marks against him youll learn of, but I'm sure he's nice at his core... maybe.


Another weasel... I'm blessed~