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Suggestion Form: https://forms.gle/w5KWr8a9Jga2acWC7

I want your guy's input on what you would like to see for the extra content in the "Dragon Slayer" side VN of Helward! I was going to mainly use this as a function test for the main VN, as well as a way for you guys to get content! Since it's divorced pretty heavily from the main game, any suggestions are good.
3-5 of the suggestions will be put up in a poll later to vote on the next scene!

(This is all just copy-pasted from the form so feel free to read it there!)
Suggestions can be long or short; it's up to you! A few of these will be taken in the next couple days to aid in creating new scenes for the next Chapter of Dragon Slayer.

Scenario: You, the Hero, and the Hobgoblin Nyx sneak into the goblin encampment to retrieve Nyx stolen gear. They expected their task to be trouble free in the dead of night but it seems there is something brewing in the encampment..! What troubles and fates do our heros face?

Example Suggestions:
Goblin Gangbang
Troll Invasion



In case the suggestions are still running, maybe they find themselves in a quiet encampment, but realise that the tribe was gathered in a clearing for a fertility ritual. The dragon slayer is caught up in it due to his ability to get pregnant?


A few ideas off the top of my head -Hobgoblin guards they need to either sneak past or convince to let them in another way -An old friend of Nyx's who is sweet on him but also very scheming and horny willing to help them for a price -Nyx is wanting to be a mage yes? How about a mage hobgoblin who is very interested in the Hero's mark and how it is activated as he is looking for a way to fight off the Dragon -Maybe the encampment is being raided by slime bosses controlled by a servant of the Dragon who takes an unconventional interest in the Hero (perhaps a massive troll or wyvern) Just a few!


I love this! Will try to come up with some ideas :) When will the poll be coming?


Been on a good roll of getting sick lately; I plan to put it out next month and probably an update for that content as well. This upcoming update will be mainly a new main story and fixes (editorial stuff).