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Join Kaiser for another editing stream this Wednesday! We'll be posting the link for y'all an hour before!


Ronin Davis

Will this be Central time? I just want to make sure. Can't assume things.


They only post in Central. They are in TX.


Yes! Can't wait!

Ronin Davis

One time Kaiser posted saying Central time, but he meant another time zone for what ever reason and people were showing up early for the stream. Sometime they set things as non-central time.


I cant wait xD


That feel when you are on the other side of the world and can't watch due to time zones, feels great man! Have fun though!


Wow, so my brain totally derped on time zones today... Here I've been all day excitedly anticipating 6pm and freaking out about not finding the link, when in actually I'm an hour ahead of y'all... Must be one of those days...