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The holidays being the busiest time of the year for YouTubers, over the past couple months we've been categorizing certain problems-- balancing the budget, doing team performance reviews, cleaning up the office, stuff like that-- as "January problems" while we worked on more pressing concerns like getting DBcember and Hellsing and Broly (we'll let you know when Scott emerges from the Editing Cave on that one, btw) ready.

One of those January problems was "figure out what to do with all these swords that fans keep sending us."  Well, it's January, motherfuckers, and that means it's time to start tackling those January problems.

--Ben "hbi2k" Creighton




TFS fans, slowly turning the TFS Studio into the TFS Armory


When the Ninjas and Samurais start coming to play, you guys will be ready.




Is that a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label on the shelf with the Vegeta and Nappa figurines? Nice.


Hahaha apparently the fans will make sure you survive the purge. Lol


So like, is season 2 of FVII Machinabridged ever gonna happen? It's been like what a year?

Logan Freeborn

Hey there, not really sure where to talk to you, but I'm looking to make an abridged series, I've got the script pretty close to where I want it to be, I've got a friend who helps me out and she's a crack wiz at editing, the last thing I need is to record. I was wondering what sort of set up you guys could suggest. Honestly, it's hard to find places not suggesting I get a 699992828 dollar mic for dat extra quality. I was wondering if you guys already had an equipment list or some "bneginners tips somewhere, uhh, yeah. Love your stuff, looking forward to that spicy #cellgames arc!