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DBcember 2020 Entry 05


Eric Gibson

I hate GT with a passion but Kirran's 10 minute essay about how cool SS4 is is spot on. It definitely feels the most Saiyan.


This episode is just entirely Kirran rambling on his soapbox. And I am HERE for that. A+


As lukewarm as I am on GT as a show, Super Sayian 4 will continue to be my favorite form in the entire Series. Super Broly made me cheer in the Theatre to finally see Gogeta in a cannon capacity, Broly as well, but nothing would make the child in me lose their mind header than SSJ4 being established as a part of Super. Kirran is spot on here.


Number 5 AKA The Origin of Kirran's husbando.


Ya done good, Kirran. Ya done good.


Did he know SSJ4 Gogeta was being announced today!?


DUDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUOx9-u1Kwk


That was supposed to be a functioning link to the SSJ4 Gogeta/Baby announcement but HELL YEAH KIRRAN GOT HIS HUSBANDO


Now THIS was a fun one, whether or not you agree with the ranking :P Who did the paper cutout animation sequences? I thought those were super charming!

Pacing Pat The Legend

Way too long, and way off topic man, And for that it’s A dislike for me. As a personal message to you Kirin, so you have finally voiced the form. You successfully Got it’s respect out there. PLEASE LET IT GO !! it’s officially tired, old and annoying Kirin Never Mention It EVER AGAIN


This story is adorable.

