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DBcember 2020 Entry 02



I also loved it because the concepts about reacting without conscious thought are also reflected in current behavioural psychology. We have a tendency to dismiss "gut instinct" but it actually allows us to make incredibly quick decisions based on experience. Great book on the topic is Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman who awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on human decision making.


I love this, but I REALLY wish that you guys had also mentioned that the MANGA alludes to this start even more so than Whis. The Manga uses Roshi to allude to it, even having him get into a small fight with JIREN of all people.


I happy y’all called it Ultra Instinct - Sign rather than Ultra Instinct - Omen.


I was literally just about to type this. I really like how Roshi was used to help goku really start to figure it out. I love how Roshi is like, who taught you that was fighting was all about having more power.


Roshi did mostly teach about hard work and a heavy turtle shell to increase power and strength.... Baba introduced different technique fighters.... a lot of other weird fights Goku learned on his own.... so if Roshi all of a sudden wanted to teach about instinct and becoming a master martial artist.... he either held it in secret, or add another retcon to the list.


Still salty that it became just another transformation rather than a technique. And they go off and talk about how much his power has increased when he uses it. Like seriously writers, were y'all paying attention when you were describing it.


The thing that really got me with Ultra Instinct is that is just didn't feel like another power-up. It felt SO different. It had my attention in a way I can't recall since Namek.


When I heard of Ultra Instinct my first thoughts were, "Really? Movement without thought is such a common feat in manga and it's often one of the basics to learn or first powers encountered. Now after all these years of everyone else doing it they reveal it as Dragonball's peak?" And unfortunately I've never been able to shake that disdain :/