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And here it is: our FMK at the Movies review of A Silent Voice!



Been dying to hear all of your thoughts on this amazing film.


I have to disagree on the comparisons to Your Name (which I am an unabashed fanboy of). A Silent Voice is a great movie that tackles important issues, but Your Name is much better made as a film. A Silent Voice has pacing issues, is incredibly heavy-handed at times, and gets emotional reactions almost entirely by characters crying on-screen. Your Name has masterful foreshadowing and story structure, every element works in perfect sync (particularly the soundtrack), and I've found it holds up much better emotionally on repeat viewings. Don't get me wrong, I love a Silent Voice and I can see it easily resonating with people to a great degree, but from a pure craft perspective, I think you guys are selling Your Name incredibly short.

Angelo B.

Has anyone ever mentioned that you look like the angry nerd?🤔


Thank you for this review, i've been wanting to hear other's opinions on it since I saw it at the theater


The highlight of this review was A Silent Voice, which is the only reason why Your Name felt understated. Also this movie also hit the reviewers in a place close to home, which is why it is higher on their list