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The new version of HC2 is out !



  • Mobile UI has been reworked
  • All choice buttons are now at the bottom of the screen for easier access
  • Some text formats and sizes have been readjusted
  • This new version was practically playtested entirely on the mobile, so I personally think it's much more comfortable, but please let me know what you guys think about it.


  • For now bonus attributes can only be acquired through the new accessories
  • They are very similar to normal attributes, but should help in the completion of possible builds and individualize each hero
  • At the moment, the only practical difference is that they cannot be decreased by enemy moves, but I already have plans for them in the next updates


  • Enemy increased spawn times are now randomized every new run
  • The increased spawn times can still be seen on their profile screens and these are updated accordingly
  • This means you still have some control over which enemies you want to fight, but if you're just exploring blindly, there will be more enemy diversity, which should improve replayability
  • The game now also tracks the amount of times a girl has been defeated in a single run
  • The enemy profile screen has been readjusted to accommodate this new addition and now also display the EXP gained from an encounter
  • This info is now being used to change the behavior of certain enemies (Olivia, Megan and Kali)

  • Charlotte (Swamp)

Charlotte likes diversity too, how about learning something from her?

  • Dixie (Swamp)

Dixie can do it for pain or for pleasure, but thankfully it's not up to you to decide


  • Added 2 new Equipments: STR Ring (Charlotte), VIT Ring (Dixie)
  • Added 2 new Bad Endings: Dixie, Charlotte
  • Added 4 new achievements
  • Added tooltips to all buffs and debuffs (These can be better described, yes, I agree)
  • Optimized Encounter coding


  • Being defeated no longer increases Addiction
  • Blue potions no longer reduces Corruption
  • Red and Purple potions no longer increase Corruption
  • Readjusted EXP and Gold gain
  • Decreased the amount of Addictions decreased by Blue Potion 3 > 2
  • Increased Church Corruption decrease cost 10 > 20
  • Decreased "Broken" Corruption Check base value 20 > 10
  • Decreased CON influence over "Broken" Status Effect
  • Anastasia now strips instantly after being defeated 4 times in a single run
  • Samantha Attack Increase by +15 after being defeated 4 times in a single run
  • April now changes her moveset earlier 6 defeats > 3 defeats
  • Kali Lust Check Decreased 50 > 30
  • Cindy Shemale Addiction Check Increased 12 > 15


  • Fixed Hannah BE triggering before her blowjob scene
  • Fixed Victoria Gallery displaying the incorrect amount of times defeated

These balance changes can severely alter gameplay, overall I felt that they made HC2 a little less punishing, but the actual hero corruption is now more inevitable, even though it may take longer.
To complement this change, I thought about increasing the cost of reducing addictions at the church as well, but I guess that would be too much.

This is the moment where the game is shaping up, and to be completely honest, I really like where this is going. How about you guys?

On a unrelated note: Achievements are great, but I have a feeling that "Defeat 10 enemies" are kinda uncreative and redundant when there's already a better reward for this feat (Enemies photos).
The achievements screen is also being flooded waay too quickly, and this may diminishes their importance a bit.

I've been playing with the idea of removing specifically this type of achievements and making room for more interesting ones, like "Deal x damage in a single turn", "Survive until day x", "Stun an enemy for x turns consecutively ", etc...
Please let me know your thoughts on that as well.

And one final **********HUGE DISCLAMER:*********

I plan to mess with the persistent data in the next update, there's a high chance your saves will be deleted on v0.30, so please be aware !

Have fun !

Link to the .apk file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zdn9Y3MAufaW6fyPKSlYCSvjdswaEAJ7/view?usp=share_link



So far I've done three runs and 2 of them have given me an error the first time I explore. I sent the traceback.text in DM. Ignoring the error both times let me encounter Megan from exploring the forest. and then the rest of the run was fine


Hey Joe, thanks for the report, should be fixed now. Please download the new files and let me know if all goes well


When fighting Dixie, if you max on lust I get a exception error and crash after the corruption and addiction increase


Also Olivia's HP no longer increases every battle


Had a run where I beat kali 7 times, haven't noticed a change in behaviour?


I'm getting a little tired of beating double the expected about of Maya's and still not having a dagger recipe. Can there be some hard capped number that you can be an enemy before getting the recipe or item 100%? And can others please give their opinion on this? It would be a pretty impactful change since it could encourage grinding...


Every time Claire drop the knuckle recipe I have an error, ignoring the error let me continue but the recipe is not in my inventory.


yeah i agree the number should be a bit high like maybe 7 per run or something.


Hi sunj Actually, the change in Kali's behavior is very minimal, it happens after the first time she is defeated. Previously this change only happened once per game, now it happens once per run


This is actually a very good idea, and can be easily implemented now that defeated enemies are tracked per run. But don't worry guys, I'm fully aware of this problem, I haven't forgotten the conversation we had back in November. And I know that it's taking a little longer than expected, but please be a little more patient.


Hi Winc, if it happens again, would you mind sending me the crash log? Really helps me a lot while looking for what to fix @edit: Nvm, found the typo and fixed it


I forgot about that post! Sorry for bringing the issue up again, it was just very frustrating grinding for an item I needed when I had completed everything else. Great to hear you have an eye on it!


So this update was fine. Its in the nature of updates that all the new enemies are at the end so you always have to play for a bit to see them. I would love to see more creative achievements! I hunt them all the time and those are just a bit tedious, here is some ideas: -Get the nameless sword to +10 attack -Beat Victoria the hard way -Beat 2/3 bosses in one day.


Thanks for the fixes so far. I tried the new release on mobile and I get an exception error and crash at the end of the tutorial. Also do you think we will get the tavern for HC2 in next update?


Presumably you need to download the latest APK to get these updates?


oh yeah btw give us a way to end our run. So far to end a run I have to hunt down a game over and that's a bit tedious. I think the ability to turn in the run for a score should be there.


Hey Rob ! The reason why I haven't implemented the tavern yet is that i couldn't think of a way to improve it, I'll just give it a little more time. If nothing comes to my mind, it will be implemented exactly as in Hero Corruption 1 And thanks for the report. Should be fixed now !


Hi Mini, if I may ask, is there a specific reason why you would want to finish a run early? Generally Roguelike games allow you to "Retire" the run when it starts badly, but everything gained in the run is reversed, including persistent benefits. I'm not against it, you just sparked my curiosity


Might not be what Mini is thinking, but when you "beat" a run in HC2 nothing happens. You just keep going and have to lose to restart. I feel like in a normal roguelike there's an end goal and then a run is complete. Since there's no end goal for HC2 yet, after beating all the bosses, it would be nice to optionally end the run and treat it like you beat this version of the game.


I see... Well, if that's the case, I might implement a congratulations screen and award a couple of points, then the player can have the option to keep playing or start a new run It might even make people feel better about beating the current version of the game.


i also agree that a run ender would help with the grind early on as you get more points for bosses


Currently, once you beat all the bosses, you are "done". However, I like to improve my strategies and optimize my runs and also run multiple times to evaluate perks against each other (the alchemy one for example is much less OP now that potions no longer increase corruption. Unarmed attack damage is crazy good on low points but has diminishing returns once you start with massive atk etc.). Either way, I want to play multiple runs and the only way to start anew right now is to get a game over.


Hi Blonde, sorry, just saw your comment now. Yes, updated versions are immediately available in the post attachment, you do need to download it again


The new update the action buttons on right are cut off. It's annoying but Amy's confusion was near impossible on android


Hi Bob, are playing on mobile, desktop or browser? Have you noticed if there are other parts of the UI being cut off? Would you mind sharing a screenshot so I know exactly where the button is getting cut off so I can tweak the UI accordingly? Thanks in advance !


Hey I've come to Day 58 and I've beat everybody in Deep Forest, Forest, and Swamp, but nothing is allowing me to buy a new map to advance further. What am I supposed to be doing to advance to harder content? I did play on the Normal setting, and I had turned off the shemales.


Hi Mike, that's it for v0.25, Swamp is currently the hardest area in HC2. The Jungle will be added in v0.30, next week.


Ahh thank you, no worries i thought i was missing out!