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The new version of Hero Corruption is out.



  • You can now buy Maps before starting a new run

  • It is only possible to buy a single starting area map (Forest or Grove)

  • The other map will be unlocked normally (and for free) at the beginning of the run


  • Molly(Lakeside): Watch out ! I've heard that Molly has a really strong grip

  • Becca(Lakeside)(Boss): She also brought her own toys, but they're not here to replace you


  • Alchemist: I'm pretty sure she is just another friend

  • Kidnappers: You better start watching where you're going


  • Added two new bad endings: Molly and Becca

  • Added Lakeside Bosses to the Castle

  • You can now keep exploring after avoiding specific events

  • Added Molly as a Ghost

  • Added Molly's pics to the Shop

  • Added Becca's pics to the Shop

  • Added a new sound effect for Becca

  • Decreased Sleep IRL timer 3s > 2s

  • Updated the Loot Codex Page

  • Added new dialogs for Naomi

  • Reduced Janna's dialog when buying pictures

  • Scarecrow event won't trigger if the player already have a Soul

  • Added a warning about the old stamina mechanic when facing Suzie


  • Increased the odds of finding the Recipe Store 6,25% > 12,5%

  • Removed the Restrained effect when succesfully recovering from Mona

  • Ivy no longer drops Iron

  • While holding the Talisman, Molly HP increases by +40

  • While holding the Talisman, Molly deal 2.5x damage (Instead of 2x)


  • Fixed Blue Potions not appearing in the Points Upgrade page

  • Fixed Mia increasing the player's damage

  • Fixed Ella not advancing stages

  • Fixed Mia Bad End sound looping

  • Fixed Naomi not playing sfx correctly

  • Fixed Naomi's pics overlapping

  • Fixed a couple of typos and misspells



  • Added one? new bad ending: Alchemist
  • You can now see the amount of items you're carring while shopping at the Blacksmith
  • Increase the odds of finding the Alchemist event after meeting her
  • Changed the Alchemist's dialog color
  • The Hero may get confused again while facing Bea (30% chance)
  • Decreased Bea's HP 300 > 260 (N)  //  260 > 240 (L)
  • Increased Maxine's Base HP 120 > 150 


Hero Corruption v1.40b



When fighting Tricia, and going to the third phase (blowjob, after she has been on top), there is no "wait" option to regain stamina. You can only do a normal attack, heavy attack or escape (and the escape doesn't seem to have any effect). Is it intended that you have lost if running out of stamina in that phase, or should there be a "wait" option?


I thought I had fixed that, but nope. The Wait option should be appearing normally now, except when Tricia is on top of you, thx Vincent


Noticed a bug with the "Soul of the Chosen." Through the middle of my run I got high hj addiction (20+) and started getting the dreams. When getting dreams for some reason my max HP and LP weren't increasing. However, if for some reason I lost to an enemy, it would skip the dream and it would increase the next morning.


Hi Space, the soul's effects only activate if the Hero has a good night's sleep. This also applies to Soul of the Scarecrow and the Witch.


When Molly gets on top of you it says "Chloe got on top of you" instead of Molly


Suggestion: In the Forge you get a list of your current materials in the 'Forge' menu. Could you show this in the 'Buy Materials' menu as well? Often I know which materials I need to craft something, but I need to pop by the 'Forge' menu to figure what I have, and then return to 'Buy Materials'. One compact solution could be adding the current number in parentheses. Example: "Fabric (0): 25 gold, Wood (2): 25 gold, Iron (0) 25 gold...", if you have 2 wood. Similarly, in Janna's shop, it could be nice to know how many potions you already own, especially for green and orange ones. I always forget which type I already bought, when stocking up for the Castle :) Perhaps an idea for HC2: Have a few key items easily visible in the GUI, such as gold, materials, potions etc. A small symbol + a number in some corner could do the trick. Quite small quality-of-life changes, so of course nothing that should be prioritized unless it is very quick to implement :)


I easily end up focusing on bug-reports or feature-suggestions, but you deserve some praise as well! :) Very nice work on the last few patches! When playing the latest patch, I realized that with the several zones now implemented, and all the new enemies, events and mechanisms, it really feels like there is a lot going on in the game now! Often I find myself having to prioritize which zone I want to explore, because there is some enemy or event I haven't encountered recently, and want to check out again :) At the moment, there are also very few things in the game I try to avoid, as most of the content is interesting by now. Not the biggest fan of the shemale content, so I sometimes turn it off, but at the same time it's fun to have the risk of encountering enemies you actually don't want to lose against :P Was worried that focusing on HC2 would limit new content in the last couple of patches, but I think the additions have been very nice. Also exciting to hear that there might be a v1.40b soon :) Anyway, great work! :)


Suggestion: Wait-button in the City. Could be nice with a Wait-button in the city, perhaps made available when the "walk around" button is removed after finding all locations. Sometimes it is useful with a rest or two before working at the tavern, or just wait around to see if the heroine shows up. Perhaps you might even spot a new shop opening up, when sitting around doing nothing :)


Thank you so much for the words of encouragement Vincent, I'm glad to hear that much of the game's content pleases you ^^ I loved your QoL suggestions, they should be pretty simple to add. I'm kinda worried with the "Wait" button in the City clogging the UI, but I'll give it a try. And to be completely honest, these last few months have been a little stressful indeed, it's not easy to balance the amount of HC1 content with the early development of HC2. But I already expected it to be like this and it's for a good cause. I'm looking forward to releasing HC2 and starting to collect feedback from you guys


The new character molly has the instant BE feature again... it's kinda depressing


Hi Veritas, to trigger Molly's Game Over you have to be defeated by her twice in the same fight. But I agree that there should be a Corruption check. I will implement it on the next patch, thank you !


Hey ! brilliant work btw, loving the series! Quick question, I've tried everyway to unlock kelly's bad ending, how does that work?


Thanks AB ! To trigger Kelly's Bad Ending you must follow these steps: 1. Get below 40% HP to move to her 3° stage 2. Finish your turn with 20 or less Stamina At this point, she should be on top. 3. Climax 3 times, this will trigger a (Corruption:10) check, fail this and you should get her BE


Hey! I have been loving your game and its updates so far. Looking forward to HC2 and whatever comes in the future. If I could make one suggestion, it would be to add more lesbian/FFM threesome content. Those encounters and especially bosses have been my favorite so far. Expanding on the Lakeside and removing the redundant encounters that it shares with the Deep Forest would be nice too. Thanks for all of your hard work!


Thanks Zero ! About the Lakeside, it will be finished on the next update! I also have plans to add a new threesome encounter, I've found the perfect album a couple of months ago

Wise Hamster

Great job. Looking forward to the next update. Just one question. I can't figure out how to get the alchemist bad ending. Have had the second run in with the alchemist several times but no bad ending. Is there some sort of condition required to trigger this?


In theory, you need to meet the alchemist three times in the same run. A Corruption:10 check will appear, failing the check will trigger the Bad Ending @Edit: Kira must have been spared or not found yet