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Thank you for the support! You guys are awesome!

I haven't actually decided, but I think this guy might be trying to impress/seduce Max? He's definitely planning on fighting her, but I'm leaning toward this guy being just a little too impressed with himself and thinking "While I'm proving my mettle to her, it surely can't hurt to show off the V-taper and the 8-pack." This line of thinking ignores the fact that all Supers are in fantastic shape, so it's nothing Max hasn't seen quite a lot of over her career.

Writing a guy with this attitude goes against my personal instincts as well. While I've heard repeatedly that confidence is something women tend to find attractive in a man, for me, there's an incredibly narrow window between insecure or at least cautiously self-depreciating and overconfident douchebag bordering on narcissism.

My own personal speed is that if someone tells me "Hey, you're good at [thing]" my response is usually along the lines of "Well, I guess, compared to someone who is slightly less good at [thing], then technically... I mean, everything is relative." I guess I'm terrified of ever dipping my toe into lake douchebag, which in my head is some sort of steaming bog full of industrial runoff, whatever snake oil Alex Jones is hawking, and Axe Body Spray. Curiously absent from lake douchebag? Diluted vinegar.




One of these days The Mighty Halo is going to snap and atomize and idiot super villain on the spot with her PPO. ZZZZOT! greasy stain on the wall, it's done. Won't be this guy as she's half way around the world, unless he becomes a recurring nuisance.

Marc Vun Kannon

Attack the villain in their pride, where it hurts the most. This is the sort of scene where Indiana Jones would just pull out his gun and shoot the guy. See how long he can keep up the gravity field with a toe shot off.