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Obligatory. (Futurama clip of them on a heavy gravity world.)

Man, it's been a while since I broke out the Maxima Power Pentagram. I know it kind of looks uneven, with her being able to do 3 powers at the "Blue" level, but also two powers at the "purple" level and on at the "green." These are not official designations, I just color coded them like item rarities in ARPGs so they hopefully make some sense at a glance. So don't forget that Max has a power pool she can feed into her abilities. If you go by Marvel RPG stats, her default power levels are like Incredible across the board. For those of you unfamiliar with the system, it's a 0-100 scale with 6 being "average human," and Incredible is 40 points. (Yes, the scale went above 100 to "Shift-X" (150) all the way up to Class-5000 and Beyond, but that was mostly reserved for Thor when he put on Megingjörð  (his belt) and Járngreipr (gauntlets) and used "Unfettered Might" and also like Galactus level stuff. 98% of superheroes and villains existed in the 0-100 range.)  So anyway, Maxima's "at rest" power level is 40 on that scale. She used to walk around with all powers at "green" which pushes her into the 50 range, but quickly realized that she just doesn't need that much walking around strength. It's actually pretty detrimental when trying to exist in a world made for people in the 4-8 range. So now she keeps a blue on armor and a green on speed and holds the rest of her power pool in reserve. A purple arrow pushes her into the 90-100 range, and as you see, she can pump up two stats like that and keep a little extra for a green boost. She can exceed the purple range, but can only pump up one stat that high at a time while keeping a few points in reserve for other things. The higher she pushes a stat, the less efficient the boost from the power pool becomes, and she can also draw down her other abilities to supercharge one stat if she really needs to. 

You can see in the second to last panel, she actually lowered her strength as she upped her flight. The scientists aren't entirely sure how Maxima's flight works, but it doesn't involve thrust. She just moves herself through space at a rate determined by how much power she's putting into the ability. The advantage is that it takes nearly no power to hover, and she has no flight ceiling, the disadvantage is that while she can move extremely fast if she wants to, she can't accelerate indefinitely. She accelerates very quickly if she needs to, but once she hits her top speed, that's it. She's done very limited testing with flying in space, so she doesn't know if her vacuum top speed and atmospheric top speed are the same. She hasn't exactly flown to the moon or anything. 



D.A. Lamont

Bonus points for Futurama...and "boing!" 😏💪😎


C’mon Max, trounce the Deus-lookalike already.