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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

Option 1:
"Do you have anything to declare?"
"I do declare, it's powerful hot, suh. I may have the vapors! And not just because of the all-bean-and-Mexican-tapwater diet!" 
"Seriously, miss..."
"I as serious as a German school marm! I'm at DefCon 1 over here! Where's the restroom!"
">sigh< Out the door to the right, past the next terminal. NEXT!"

Option 2:
"What are these?"
"Glass... things?"
"Glass things?"
"Knickknacks. That's the word. Colorful glass knickknacks. Non-suspicious, colorful glass knickknacks. >cough<"
">Long Pause< I'm barely cracking minimum wage here, just go."

I'm not sure what else to say about this page because most of what I want to say is on the next page.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update: Getting Proofed!

Still getting proofed. About halfway through the book now. This is from the first proofer who got back to me, and once I edit in all those corrections, I'll run through it again with notes from the others. That tends to go faster, because some errors will be noticed by most, though different readers catch different things.



Michael Obert

Knowledge of salvage rights is key to becoming any good superhero.

Lord Crusade

Honestly, this is likely going to be addressed on the next page, but assuming that the orbs just linked to her when she touched them, their really isn't much she could do about it. Again, the next page will likely explain, but unless she took them, snuck them home, and then they "bonded" to her at a later date, she arguably had no other options besides keeping them hidden. Which, to her credit, she tried to do till circumstances said otherwise.


Agree with Lord Crusade they likely bonded on contact, but also it’s not like they where ever going to reveal where she got them it’s the same as Max and the Geode just that happened to occur in a state-side museum.


I fail to see the problem. Everyone knows that alien artefacts are finders keepers and cannot be claimed by any government based on where they were found unless they found them first. It’s not like they’re state secrets or ancient relics or anything.


I'm beginning to think that not only was Sydney the first human to lay eyes on the AmazeBalls, but that they've been buried since the Chicxulub impact (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicxulub_crater) and only recently worked their way to the surface (or sea bed, as the case may be)...

Aaron Morton

She was a civilian when she acquired them. It wasn't like she was state funded operative and purposely found them to sell on the Black Market.


Barely further than one end of Victoria to the other. Practically the same post code.

martin leske

EVERYTHING is the same spot if you zoom out far enough xD


This. Plus, she almost certainly wasn't out *looking* for artifacts or superpowers, she just saw something shiny and poked it. Likely this is going to get all capital-D Diplomatic, but it's not like she can cede them to anyone (even assuming the US government, who like most nations operates on a "Finders, Keepers" philosophy when it comes to stuff 'accidentally' acquired from other sovereign nations, would let her do so), and given the power disparity there isn't much Mexico *can* do about it other than yell really loudly in the international arena, so the eventual upshot is probably going to be a precedent in international law about superhero origins...


Syd did good, she created deniability. I’m pretty sure the real US military would then go something like this… General: It’s good to hear they were found off the Florida keys. Max: Sir? Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. General: No I understood what you told me colonel, they were found off the Florida Keys, that is an order. All references to the contrary will be classified under project spinning top. Max: Understood sir, with your permission a team will be dispatched to the scorpion reef under the cover of a fishing vessel to search for further assets. The US would subsequently never admit to anything that would allow even an ally to stake a claim such a powerful asset.

Town Crier

If they don't ask. Say nothing. There's a very good chance that the other sovereign nation doesn't even realize they had them, or that they are missing.


The origin shot (not sure exactly what page) did show them bonding on discovery. And they’re not exactly cultural artifacts either.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Yes. Don't say anything. Not our fault they had them for so long and did nothing.


Well considering how powerful some of the orbs are I think the Mexican government is happy that they are not in the hands of a cartel boss or worse someone who would pretend to be a God. Also what ever happened to that blood witch?

William Elliott

Well...its not like she had much of a choice about leaving them behind... And if she'd declared them and gotten locked up in some foreign research facility or even killed for them, it would have been a potentially bad outcome. Imagine the orbs in the hands of some former cartel super vill?


I can't remember, did Sydney offhandedly say something about the keys at some point? It seems oddly specific that they would start the map there?

Jathby Dredas

Ha! FP had only finished the first 30 seconds last time I saw this.


Not sure how far these hints at diplomatic issues will go. It really feels like a non issue. These are not cultural or historic artifacts. Sydney wasn't any kind of government official when she found then. She can't let go of them anyways. It's unlikely that the other government will find out unless someone is an idiot. Finders keepers. Pick a reason, there are lots.


It just occurred to me that they had to go through the Xray scanner a few times. Dabbler has shown that the scanner wouldn't pick them up as anything, but I feel Sydney got lucky that they didn't exceed their tether range from her while in the machine, which per the bank robbery scene isn't much more than a car length.

Mark Temple

You are assuming she flew. It is possible that the trip was on a yacht or the like, which don't get the same scrutiny.


In her defense, when she became inextricably linked to her magical orbs of power she 1) didn't understand what they were or what they could do and 2) was terrified that discovery of them would result in her being kidnapped and vivisected by shadowy government organizations. People tend to do stupid and unethical things when their life is in danger, even if they are a "good" person.

Vernon E. Parker III

In her defense, it’s not as if she could detach herself from them after they linked to her.


I wonder if Sydney fit some esoteric qualifying standard that the orbs use to pick a user. Otherwise, I find it odd that they were so easy for her to find on a reef that I would imagine has had many people dive on it.

Some Ed

The problem is, identifying that this is in fact the case. It doesn't matter how insanely difficult it is to qualify for being the chosen user of an insanely powerful artifact. Some people won't believe it, and some won't even listen long enough to find out that there was some qualifier in the first place. For that matter, you could have an insanely powerful artifact that will kill whomever holds it in 100 days, advertise that fact, and *still* find people who would take it off your hands. Chances are fairly decent somebody would still find a taker 99 days later...


good laugh


Seems to fall under the don't ask don't tell rules, and besides, it's almost Alaska


it's also an extension of the Hawaiian islands, so that make sit more US than Russia

Blood Raven

I mean, "I didn't know!" Is a fine answer here, because who can be judged for picking up some brightly colored glass balls as a souvenirs/cleaning up trash? Its not like anyone EXPECTS them to give you fantastic powers.

D.A. Lamont

DM'd you, bossman.

Bryce Maryott

...someone needs to check the customs forms on Sydney's return visit!


i doubt glass baubles where much of an eye raiser at the border thingie.

Matthew Paulin

The only salvage law that actually applies here would be the treasure act which states regarding found treasure: The object must be at least 300 years old AND must be substantially made of gold or silver have been deliberately concealed by the owner with a view to later recover the owner, or his or her present heirs or successors must be unknown is one of at least two coins in the same find and has a precious metal content of at least 10% if the precious metal content is less than 10%, is one of at least ten coins in the same find