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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

Okay. If I was reading some comic and it took 1,000 pages for them to get around to "where did you get your amazing MacGuffins," that would strike me as an oversight both on the characters' part, and the authors. This is definitely something that should have been tackled within an hour of Sydney revealing them. I mean, they should have had her tell them exactly where she got them, and within an hour there should have been surveyors and researchers and archeologists on a plane.

So that's on <strikethrougtext>me</strikethrougtext> Arc-LIGHT.

In my defense, I kept thinking of other funny stuff and kept forgetting to get around to this.

I'd like to point out that the third "cough" doesn't have the little splash marks around it, meaning she's actually saying the word "cough," which is funny to me and also definitely a sign of innocence.

As many of you pointed out under the previous page, Wearing the Cape 9 is actually out. I'm a dumbass and had the wrong tab open last week when I went to post. So... yay! Another WtC novel!

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update: Getting Proofed!

Still getting proofed. God damned hyphens. Or is it 'God-damned hyphens.' Because the word 'hyphens' is adjectivically modified by 'damned' but the damned is modified by 'god' and 'hyphens' isn't modified by 'god.' Or maybe it is? I honestly don't know. And if I type 'a hundred and twenty five' instead of 'a hundred and twenty-five' then surely no one can crack my code. LOOK UPON MY CYPHER YE MIGHTY ENIGMA AND WEEP!




Three updates in a row with superb new Sydney react faces!

martin leske

how can his mouth get so wide form so smol


Didn't she say where she found them though before way early on? Maybe not an exact location but I distinctly remember it was in the area of the Florida keys. If I'm interpreting this wrong then I apologize lol.


Yup, https://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/grrl-power-94-the-step-mother-of-all-origins/ they have been distracted by harem when zephan was asking the precise location , but, the interview should normally have been recorded and transcripted, so that would be on arc light ;)


Yeah. Zephan was about to ask her where, then Haram interrupted. Wouldn’t it be funny if he and everyone else just forgot.


Sydney is oddly frog like in panel 5, which somehow makes it funnier.


Max has no poker face.


Someone get the box of truth

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I love that Max, Sydney's Mom, and Arianna all have identical "eyes-narrowed" expressions in the last panel. XD


People rush into origin stories too quickly anyway. Better to let the story firm up first.


Multiple women squinting at you. That's never a good sign.


Multiple BOSSES squinting at you... A very, VERY bad sign...

Sardines are us

when they visit the site where she got the orbs, there will be a clear sign that Machina Industries was already there &amp; gone


Cue a collective military "Yanno I thought we were forgetting something"


Even if they never followed up with Sydney on exactly where it was, they should have been able to track the Scoville family credit cards to get a bit narrower field of possibilities, and maybe some witnesses to question... Although it may just be that nothing was found, so Dave didn't bother telling us about it. ^_^


There also the fact of which country they were found in and how that something you shouldn’t be saying out loud in public anyway. I assume various governments would be upset if an American found an alien artifact in their country and used it to become a superhero.


Man, talk about spoilers, Dad…


I seem to recall her finding them while snorkeling.... I'm gonna say on the grreat barrier reef? or was it Florida keys?

D.A. Lamont

Oof! Mommy Maxima, with that smouldering squint and those pouty lips. 💪🥴