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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

I was trying so hard to trim this tale down to the basics but then in panel 4 I couldn't help stick in a joke about... I guess it's about ableism? Sort of? There's absolutely a need to be aware of discriminatory thinking, but I also think there's a cutoff, where all parties need to be cognizant of reality. If someone gets both their arms blown off in a potato gun incident, I think it's okay to suggest that learning sign language or juggling might present a slightly steeper difficulty curve than usual. Not saying you can't or shouldn't, and I'll try not to use the word disabled if you don't like it, just please don't bite my head off if I make an offhanded (no pun intended) comment about thinking you might have better luck Riverdancing than rock climbing. Personally, if I lost both my arms, my first instinct wouldn't be to beligerently sign up for the patty-cake championships, but I might get annoyed if someone I worked with constantly said "hand-off" instead of "delegate."

I don't know, I wasn't trying to get all insightful. I just thought it was funny. My point was, they've all had to sit through Archon's HR videos, and telling someone they need to be "fixed" is probably on the no-no list.

"Why did you attack me with that bucket of water?" "You were on fire." "Well, that's just immolationist."

Panel 5: If I'd had another page for this sequence, I was going to write about how if humans could gene-edit ourselves, our first step might be to make it so we could synthesize vitamin c. Some monkeys can do it. Most mammals can, but at some point one of our ancestors had a mutation that cost him the ability. Obviously he had access to oranges and was probably swinging a big dick, so here we are. But then what's the next step? Make it so we can synthesize all the vitamins? Cure male-pattern baldness? Eliminate breast cancer? Two hearts are better than one, etc etc. At some point, those people couldn't realistically call themselves humans. I think usually the species divide is defined at being able to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring. Once you lose that, you're not really the same species any more. Dabbler's point was yeah, we could get rid of our soul-hole, and our horns and weird skin colors and throat clits, but we certainly wouldn't be succubi anymore.

"I'm sorry, what was that last one?" "Come and find out."

There were some concerns about Dabbler being a security risk if she has a foreign master she's beholden to, and those are perfectly valid. If she was 22, she would definitely be a risk unless her master was also on the team and had equivalent or higher security clearance than her. But she's 187, and has been able to resist the obedience compulsion for a long ass time.

Oh, and as far as the symbols on the collars go, the 4-x's isn't emblematic of anything about Tom specifically, like he doesn't have a birthmark that looks like 4 X's or anything. It just forms when the bond is established. That said, it could carry over from some symbol the master strongly identifies with. Like with Deus, it might be that lopsided X on his face, but it usually some unique symbol, like a magical QR code.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

Still working on that sex scene. I don't really want to FTB, but I haven't really been in the mood to write it. It's a scene with Yxlyn, and I think because I wrote her so naive and innocent in the first book, writing a sex scene with her feels tawdry or something? Which is stupid because the book opens on the scene with her and Sam - which I've already written. I don't consider that a spoiler because the first book ends with them crawling into the little cavelette for their first time together. Admittedly it's a really weird way to open a book, but that's just where I cut it last time. Poor planning if I'm honest.



Michael Obert

And thus the origin story if Dabbler's collar that no one asked for, but we are glad we have!


Panel 2, narration: "You might think the list of prospects would included all [...]" You're either missing "have" between "would included" or "included" needs to be "include". Loving this lore stuff. It's pretty neat and a nice change from punch punch punch :)

Marc Vun Kannon

If we could gene-edit ourselves the first thing they'd try to do would be to make erections last longer.


You realise the XXXX is a beer here right? Also the Kwisatz Succurach has a very different reason for constantly cloning Duncan Idahos.


agreed "Included" should probably just be "include" given the wording.

Martin Drkoš

What if a master orders a succubus to not obey his orders?


I love everything about this side-step into the lore, and why Max is not allowed to kill Tom. I do keep finding my mind wandering back to that young succubus, though.... who's her master? How does that work for her?


I was wondering the same thing. On a related note, do all modern succubi start out as children in mind and body? If so that has some potentially skeevy implications for anyone who would choose to be a leash-holder to a new succubus.


So, like Dabbled said, "It's complicated..."


The interwebs/ great google machine seems to suggest an opulence of succubi. Which... I actually kind of like :)

Kenneth Winkelman

I love Maxima's and Dabbler's facial expressions in the 6th panel.


The Original Series succubi would error out, luckily they mostly fixed that by The Next Generation.

Kevin Wright

"I'm sorry, what was that last one?" is very close to what I thought when I read the sentence it refers to. Second thought was "well, of *course* they have one, given who designed them and why."

Ian Brown

I've never really heard anyone refer to a group of succubi like a gaggle of geese or a business of ferrets. I say we establish here and now that a bunch of succubi is a "harem", and there's nobody that can tell us that we can't. I have spoken. EDIT: This is now a thing. I have added it to Wikipedia's article on succubi! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succubus


As for the book, the traditional way to handle sex scenes that are about to begin at the close of an episode is to have them be finishing up the following episode. While "show, don't tell" is often a good rule in writing, sometimes it pays to leave the actual nitty-gritty unseen, and let the reader's imagination fill in the details. If a conversation, or fight, started during said nitty-gritty, just let it continue beyond that scene with enough hints to let the reader fill in the blanks.

Eric Loken

Someone is at least passingly familiar with the (cough) premise of the movie "Deep Throat". :) And here I had thought her collar was just the same ID/ comms collar that all of them wore, and that she had chosen XXXX as her symbol because she's her and her actual name begins with an X.

Anton Schleef

Errr.....Dave? If you're having problems writing a sex scene that involves a character with a naive and innocent personality and it's the character's first time I suggest you look into some eroge titles, preferably ones that focus towards the "true love" and "pure love" types. Not all of them have similar scenes, but enough do that that picking two at random that have either the "true love" or "pure love" tag association (depending on where you're getting it) and neither having such a scene would actually be some amazing luck (I'd advise buying a lottery ticket within 12 hours, it's so probability bending). There are others outside those types that have such a scene (more than you'd probably believe) that could act as inspiration, but it's almost an easy scene type to envision for me due to exposure to other similar scenes. Oh, I guess you're probably not up on Japanese slang based on English words, but eroge is a slang for 'erotic game'. If you want to send me a PM I can recommend a couple of sites where you can legally buy digital copies of some.

Paul Gabbard

But what about her alien side, I wanna see a picture of her mom and dad and see which one had 4 arms.


The sorta-child in panel 1 doesn't seem to be trying that hard... I have a few ideas for getting her to try harder. (watches Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone with her). (Pauses it at Ron saying "that's wizard's chess.") "You see how they fought, maimed, and killed each other without thinking, all because their master said to do it? Hey, what was your best friend's name again... Sally, was it? What would happen if your master said for you to fight Sally?" "That's why you *must* learn to resist now, before it's too late. Before anyone gives you that order." And if that doesn't work, Chamber of Secrets has Dobby for more motivation to learn to resist...


Uh, I have a question. If Succubi have a working reproductive system would the offspring be another Succubus? With or without the aforementioned hole in soul? Or would it be the same species as the 'father" (for lack of a better universal word for inseminator), or would the offspring be a hybrid?


Obligated to have sex on a 'regular basis'? I had the impression Dabbler has been on Earth for several years now.