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I far more amused with "tall, bark, and fluffy" than I should be.

Sydney is only just barely on board with attempting polyamorous relationships, and even then, it does seem it's mostly because the two guys she's shown the most interest in were already taken. Well, except for Olivia's half-brother cousin. (Back when I could get away with drawing half-backgrounds in half the panels.)

Okay, we don't actually know if Tony was attached to anyone at the time, but Sydney never mustered the courage to ask him out, and she hasn't seen him in the store lately, as she's only there one and a half days a week now. Still, Sydney's giving it the 'ol college try. Just barely.

Digit is your typical scatterbrain inventor, which is a fun trope to play with, but if I had really given it a lot of thought before introducing in inventor into the comic, I think it would have been just as amusing to have an inventor that was super organized and buttoned-up. Like a sexy lady Jamie Hyneman. Which is not a sentence I thought I would ever type again. (I typed it once already in a (non-Grrl Power) Discord I occasionally idle in.) There isn't a Grrl Power Discord in case anyone was wondering. My attention is already pulled in too many directions for me to manage something like that.

I guess that's not to say Arc-SPARQ doesn't have someone like that, but if they ever bumped into Digit, they might mutually annihilate.

We've got a brief cameo in the form of Frosty's Prinrin, a goblin inventor. I'm not sure she's normally this forward, but that's how it worked out on this page. :) The Twilight Council has its own engineers, of course, but they work with magical stuff and enchanted things as much as they restore old pumpkin carriages and DeLoreans and whatnot.

If Prinrin does get Frix in bed, she might be the first cameo character that dies in the comic, because there is some evidence that Frix is... unaccommodatable to someone of her stature.




Dang, if she can't handle a little flirting like that, I don't know how she's going to do if he legit asks her if she's cool if he bangs Miss Short-Green-And-Horny.


I think the dyadic between Digit and lady hyneman would be interesting. The odd couple trope may be well used, but it’s well used for a reason. And I do love having variations within the same profession.


Isn't there an 'of' out of place in panel 3? "Areas of filled with"


Good lord, I can *hear* the stroke coming on!!!!

Opus the Poet

She's trying so hard to not be hypocritically mono there.

Opus the Poet

Just talking like a normal person who can't edit what is said after it leaves their mouth.


Wow, Sid reminds me of the 'Shinning' episode of The Simsons "No TV and no beer..."

Swedish Chef

Add some tentacles and we have a winner for the "best Nyarlathotep look alike" contest


Uh Oh, Duck and cover people! This could get messy! But also, Grab the popcorn.


A good reminder that, as much as we love Sydney, she's not terribly far away from the sanity border, even on a good day.


She’s resisting adding to The List, that’s progress? Or an Aneurysm, it’s hard to tell.

Evil Midnight Lurker

If fantasy hentai has taught me anything, it's that gnome and goblin girls can survive the Empire State Building and be happy about it.


If it has taught me anything, it is that I would like to see Prinrin take Friday for a ride, because goblin you are exactly correct. Though, somehow, this just just put into my mind a visual of him walking out of a room, buried to the hilt in her still, (carrying her “hands free” of course) and scratching his head, saying something like “she’s kinda stuck for the moment”. While she just has a “cat that caught the canary” type look on her face. Damn internet-porn-addled brain...


Panel 5, you sort of lost me with who the text bubbles are supposed to be attached to. I get the question is from Sydney, but who is the statement from? I would have thought it was from Prinrin, but the bubble tail is implying someone on the other side of the window.


Last panel: Digit has that look of someone who is used to quickly exiting the room before things explode.

Erin Palette

Does this mean that Digit is actually a sexy Adam Savage?

Cat on Crack

Poor Sydney, hope she realizes that she doen't have to force something that feels very wrong to her. Also is that a robot dude in the background of panel 7?


Oh piffle. That's a shortstack greenskin goblin lady, if the internet has taught me nothing they're the most elastic substance in the universe

Stephen Gilberg

You'd think "imperilous" would be the opposite of "perilous."


Panel three doesn't . . . read right. "What have I told you about test firing in areas of filled with equipment and people." I think that "of" should be something else.


Now that it's been brought to my attention what Frix is packing, I can't help but be a little impressed that Sidney rode that pony without having to be retrained on how to walk again. She's not THAT much bigger than the goblin.

Tristan N Milner

Sidney's reaction at the end, has Dave been watching Dr. Stone?


Pretty sure Frix has only gotten to 3rd base with Sidney if comic #942 is any indication.


Sanity is overrated. Even so, my opinion is that Syd is excitable, but actually pretty well grounded in her way. She adapts well.


"They were Anatomically incompatible, His was flyable, Hers just sat-able. True love died, ‘Cause nothing fit. That’s the long and short… Of it. The moral of this sad lament… Avoid the clench of fate. Make sure the plumbing measures up, Before you copulate." -From "The Lady and the Dragon" by Holly Lisle, in her novel *Minerva Wakes*


My Two Working Braincells: "A polyamourous relationship isn't the same as an open relationship. Even if Sydney was okay with one (or more) of her partners seeing other people that does not mean she would, or should, be okay with them boinking every stranger that asks. A polycule works though different connections where all parties respect and (at least try to) understand each others boundries." The rest of my agglomerated neurons:" GOBLIN! PINUP! GOBLIN! PINUP!


Is that a word bubble typo in panel 3? Also not entirely sure who's saying what in panel 5,


Been there. When I first tried a poly relationship, it took a good week or two before I could get to handle it (and I was confronting the jealousy-inducing aspects of it much more frequently than Sydney). One friend, also poly (but not in my polycule) gave this advice, "It's okay to feel jealous. That's natural in the beginning. Similarly, a father will feel jealous of a daughter when that daughter starts dating. It's similar. You feel you have some authority over them. It's important to feel the emotion, however, it's then important to analyze it before you act on it. Why are you jealous? Is it betrayal? If you have a poly agreement with the other person, it's probably not betrayal (unless yours has specific rules you all agree to). Is it you feel ownership of the other person? If that's the case, realize they're a lover - not a slave. Is it because you're not joining them? Maybe consider being with the other person as well. The other person isn't a thief, they're an additional partner for you as well. And so forth. Usually that calms down the jealousy. It may never disappear completely, but it can be reduced to almost nothing to where you don't even notice it anymore.


Every had a thought and went 'I'll post that comment later' then next thing you know its 5month down the line? :D Ahem, well anyway. Here is hoping for a pinup of the goblin girl. ;)