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Yes, Digit was heavily inspired by Gadget. Okay, actually, there's this poster... I mentioned this in a comment on the previous page, but here it is with a little more info.

Whoever this lady is, combine her and Gadget and you get Digit. Then just her minus the torch but still with the heat powers and you get Heatwave. Weird the things that influence you when you're an adolescent.

Okay, not that weird. She has nice boobs. 

So anyway, Digit is one of those fairly typical scatterbrained inventors. Her original incarnation was an in-the-streets gadgeteer superhero, but I decided since I already have a lot of other fieldable heroes, she'd be more useful in the basement. Also, less immediate danger to the public. She's also one of those women (who probably only exist in fiction) who has no understanding that she's sexy. And not in the glasses and ponytail way where she wants boys to notice her but she can't figure out how, but in a wearing skintight overalls because she doesn't want them to snag on things and unbuttoning her shirt because all the welding is making her sweaty and can't figure out why guys keep tripping over things and staring at that little rivulet of sweat slowly traversing her sternum. I guess she's the closest to being asexual as anyone on the team, in that the hormones normally responsible for arousal instead light up her brain when she thinks about spot welds and torque ratios.

On an tangential note, Gadget was voiced by Tress MacNeille, who has also voiced... let me see... oh. Everyone. Every female character in every cartoon. Okay, not literally EVERY female cartoon character, but look at that link and scroll down. And keep scrolling, and keep scrolling. Those are the just the voices she's done for Disney. She's also worked on nearly every episode of the Simpsons and Futurama. Her IMDB page is pushing 400 credits, many of them for series, and many of them for multiple voices per show. It may not be an exaggeration to say that she has voiced THE MAJORITY of female cartoon characters.

I don't have a point here, I just think her career as a voice actress is pretty fucking impressive. Well done, Tress!



Michael Obert

Loving the scatterbrained lack of awareness; so cute!


Jennifer Hale is in a similar position. You HAVE heard her voice something, even if you didn't realize it was her. Biggest lead role is probably female Shepherd from Mass Effect, but she's the most prolific gaming voice actress bar none. Pretty sure she actually holds a trophy or something.

Thomas Dorner

I never though you could create a character to which Sydney compares as the thoughtful and reasonable one ... ;-)


You mean Shepard. Your choices in the game are Shepard, or himbo-shep. ;)


If you find a girl that has a special place in her toolbox for torque wrenches, you treat her right. They don't grow on trees.


...How did the grappling hook fit through the water bottle?


*slides glasses up Q nose* Sides of the arrow head structure fold in when under pressure for penetration, and then slide out when the pressure is released so that when it's pulled back it can grapple correctly.


A RR Gadget Hackwrench reference? This should be fun!


Sounds like she’s also in that category of genius that you keep happy, busy and under close watch since they’re bound to come up with something groundbreaking at some point, and you definitely don’t want them working for the other guys.

Richard Damoncord

I think I remember my uncle having that poster...


Is Digit just an example of scatterbrained high IQ? Or is she actually a super, just happens to have a more subtle power than others?

Dark Kuno

One part Gadget Hackwrench, one part Agatha Heterodyne. I approve.


Judging from panels 2 and 3, yes, she's a super. What folks in that new Sentinels series (Wearing the Cape, in our version of the real world) would call a Verne-type.


Am not sure if your acronym refers to If and Only If or Identify Friend or Foe. Both seem to work equally well.

Zip Zop

Why did that giant anchor make such a tiny hole?


And in one comic she's become one of my new favourite characters. I hope we see more of her, especially interacting with the rest of the team. Actually ... I can't wait to see her interact with Math. Would she be so oblivious of her sexuality as to be "immune" to his lecherousness? Or would he have convinced her to get a few quick reps of jumping jacks in for her health within the first minute?

But You May Call Me... Thrackerzod

Pretty sure that's a perspective thing. The point is much closer to the "camera" than the window is, so it looks a lot bigger than the hole? Or maybe it's advanced as hell indistinguishable from magic level science.


Oh hey, is that the guy who enjoys enraging Maxima, then taking pics of the result? If Max is there, she'd probably enjoy that scene!

Kyle Voltti

Why do I recognize that invention......?

Bharda Sullivan

I wish to know more about ‘the incident.’


Just re-reading this and caught the Jamie from Mythbusters wall of totes in the background. Nice!