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Double res post of the comic for supporters. Thank you and enjoy!




Panel four is almost painful to look at. Poor Maxima looks terrified.


I wonder if this is why she empathised with Sydney?

Phil Boswell

One assumes that she doesn't yet realise that if they try to keep her against her will she can simply walk out…through the walls if necessary.


This explains a lot of her behavior. She's likely VERY vulnerable and scared inside. She's had to put up MANY psychological walls to deal with what's been done to her.


I can't help but thinking back to that Demon Dabbler faced. The one that she was reminded of when Maxima went insanely destructive on the tank for the press. The Demon that we saw a shot of saying "Found You" when Arc-swat announced itself to the public. "Golden Goddess" always felt a touch "golden calf" to me; perhaps Maxima was enhanced by something demonic, and why Dabbler is so interested with Maxima.

Erin Palette

I just now noticed something. She's using her left hand to peel the skin from her right shoulder... but in the x-ray it hasn't spread that far on her right side.