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Double res post of the comic for supporters. Thank you and enjoy!




Was not expecting to get Max's origin! Oooooh!


Eeek. Wasn't expecting that!


Eek indeed! Good twist!


Nice! I wouldn't have thought of that for Max's powers!

Stephen Gilberg

So that's why Maxima likes Halo: They both got their powers by accident in young adulthood.



Erin Palette

Given that Dave has said Maxima was named because she was a "minmax", I just assumed that was her superhero name. Finding out it is also her real name lends more theory to the "Telford Porter" notion that in superhero books, powered people are just serendipitously named.


Maxima was originally named Ultima, but I kept thinking of her in situations where she had to max out her speed/armor/etc, so switching her name made sense. That led me to her first name of Maximilia (previously she didn't have one as it was still early days in her lifespan as a character) so it's fair that her name is slightly related to her powers. If her name was on the level of Telford Porter though, her name would have to be Goldyboostyblasty Strengthflightarmor.


I never imagined... I thought she was born a super like the others...

Nicholas Perrett

Hmm. Did you decide against drawing the pointy bits on a normal geode, or is it some kind of ultratech artifact, hence it being filled with hexagons? ...And for some time, it's been in the hands of your friendly neighborhood genius megalomaniac nerd.


Yeah it's supposed to look different on the inside. That's how she recognized it.

Erin Palette

I find it interesting that it *mostly* breaks along the hexagons, but the parts in the foreground are much more irregular. Perhaps it was damaged when it came to Earth and that's why it affected Max?


Hey Dave, this one is not a double-rez at all anymore. It's actually super-low-rez now! What happened?