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Here's a cheery page for Xmas eve, eh? Can you just feel the spirit?

So, presumably, Concretia knows where her body is. Like, she can home in on it. Now that she has rock-kinesis, keeping her away from herself would be pretty challenging. Sure, you could build a big plastic room, but that room has to be resting on or in rock of some sort... unless you keep her on a boat. That could work, Fire Nation Earth Bender prison style. That or a dirigible. That might prove to be overly conspicuous though.

I have a really bad habit of introducing new characters, bad guys especially, without them bursting onto a page and announcing that their name is "Dr. Melodramatic Introduction" or whatever. For now I guess we can call this guy "Dr. Has Issues with Women." It's a fair assumption.



Michael Obert

And the Eyes Wide Shut cult is here. . .either that, or the Simpsons version if the GOP. A fine Mahoak to you all!


I think I'd call him Dr. Asshole.

Jack Ponder

Woof. I agree with Sydney. That dude needs a punch.

Marc Vun Kannon

The first of your bad guys who seems truly bad.


Wonder how there planning to transport Halo, also just remembered but doesn’t Sydney’s glasses come with a messaging function.


Not. Good. Enough. I want to see Sydney tell Dabbler, Cora AND Maxima about the (effective) slavery, kidnapping and torture of Concretia, the "Thank you for fixing me, Daddy", and watch all four of them demonstrate the full meaning of the word "fury."

Town Crier

This new villain needs to meet an anti-hero. Just sayin'.


Yeah, I think Deus would do some rather nasty things to this SOB and his minions...

Andrew Denton

Wow. I want to see him BROKEN.


Sweet mother of fuck. Forget tame shit like jail or even confinement in isolation, this bastard deserves outright lethal termination.

Stephen Gilberg

Next line: "And why did you remove only her jacket?"


Harem needs to form a conga line and repeatedly kick him in the balls. Every time she does it, he has to say, "Thank you, mistress! May I have another?" (Shamelessly stolen from "Animal House", but hey––if the shoe fits.)

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Well, I would posit that the above-referenced Sciona counts. As, likely, does Kevin, Aka Vehemence. Causing Chaos& & Destruction just for the Hell of It pretty much counts.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I would say he deserves a full-strength punch in the nards from Max at near-luminal speeds (assuming she can make it that fast). Guy deserves to have his molecules scattered over a wide area of space.


Before we get to the specifics of how to punish him, I think we should know about his powers. For example, is he immune to electricity? Gigawatt, lets find out. Start at full power, if you please, we've got a lot of data to gather.


Oh, and as for keeping her on a boat, I'd like to point out to Concretia that there are boats made of concrete. And with her powers, making one would be easy. Speed would be the problem...

Zip Zop

How did she get captured by a bunch of bdsm cultists? Did they break into her house while she was out of body?

Marc Vun Kannon

I'd like to see Concretia do to their heads what she did to Sydney's orbs, and take that control out of his hands while he kicks feebly.


It no longers matters whether Concretia was a criminal or even a bad guy. What Syd just saw moved "rescue Concretia" to the top of her moral imperatives. Ain't no superhero female gonna put up with THAT, at all, ever.

Kenneth Winkelman

Oh this &@#%er is deserving of a chainsaw enema!


And from that day, his nuts were marked for destruction.


You know... I've been increasingly concerned about this scenario up until this moment. Now I'm very concerned. Sydney really needs to take this seriously.


I was compelled to create Doctor Melodrama over on City of Heroes after reading this, so thanks for that

Some Ed

That's a technical detail which the individual who's spoken so far does not appear to be interested in answering.

Nicholas Grey

Oh yes, the lazy way of making sure we know that this guy is really evil, not just "misunderstood"

Eric Loken

Perhaps... but if you've been paying attention for the past few years, misogyny is alive and well in the world. People like this exist in RL (the attitude that is), and if they had this level of power over a woman, this is probably a mild setting for how they would be treated.